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Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 4:29 pm
by Stasiavous
I'm drawn to the first design. It shows the campus and the colors you chose are still "on brand". Well done!

Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:40 pm
by Jackal
I like your first concept but I feel like it could be pushed a little further so it's not so flat.
I would try moving the title to the top and make it stand out more! Nice job so far though!!

Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 6:10 pm
by Jones
The first one is my fav. I like the image as the background and the toned down green. It has a great spacing and balance. It has a nice soft feel to it. It's easy to navigate and find infos as well. Well done!

Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:51 am
by Instructor
Hm. Interesting. I like your colored tabs design better. The background image design just looks muddy. While your "B" design is colorful and eye catching.

I really like it's inner page. That row/stack of colored button blocks at the bottom combined with a super clean layout and the colored tab at the top looks really good. It makes your navigation super easy to see and use. I also like your idea of section images, that visually summarize what students can expect from that section. They collectively illustrate the career of a graphics student. The white background serves as a great canvas. It stays out of the way of the images and lets the bright colors of the tabs pop. I like your typography choices for your navigation, headline, and bodycopy. It works well and shows the program as technically advanced and cutting edge. Good use of margin everywhere except the titles on your inner pages.

I'm not sure you need full colored tabs for your home page. Maybe a set of your topic images with little colored tabs at alternating top corners that have their section in them. I'd also pull the green background from behind your GAMT logo. I think it would look fine on white. Watch your margins in your tabs and titles on your inner pages too. I'd scoot your title text over a bit; the "Overview" at the top of the inner page is touching the left edge of the backing shape.

Nice work!

Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 6:29 pm
by kj923
In your first design I would maybe try making your text boxes less transparent?! I think it might make the text easier to read!

Your second design looks cool with the different colors, but there is a lot going on! If you go with that design I would suggest being careful that it doesn't get too overwhelming on the eyes