Project 1 Preliminary Critique

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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Post by KJX »

Hey! I like your tee image, gives lots of personality for the brand and your website. Keep up the good work.


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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Post by hmayooo »

I like your color choices in both designs, but I think the navigation bar in the rough2 designs is a better choice as it creates a little more balance in combination with the wide frame picture of the mountains as your header. I would really like to see more of a title on the designs; when I visit a website I usually expect to see a headline or a title to look at first in order to create some hierarchy on the page. I also think that the circular icons you include above your paragraph are a little hard to see, so I'd suggest choosing a brighter picture or lightening the background. Overall I like the inclusion of your own photography and the pages are simple and clean.
~Hayley Mayo~

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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Post by Instructor »

These two designs look awfully similar to me, William. I was looking for a little more difference between the two. That being said, I like your "rough01" design the best.

I think it's the way the background image continued down through the rest of the document rather than being sliced into a header by a navigation that goes all the way across. I like how you've taken the sunset colors and used them throughout your design. It really ties the whole thing together. Your website makes good use of contrast, and, as is typical for black background websites, really shows off the color of the images you've used in it.

The whole design seems very spread out and fragmented. I think you need to tighten the proximity of your content elements up a bit so there is some unity among all your objects. Maybe enlarge your images and text areas a bit. Also, I don't think you need colored buttons in an already existing button bar. Or if you do, they should make up the entire bar. Also, your bodycopy text shouldn't be in white boxes with thick strokes. It should be sitting on it's own reversed out against the black background.

Good effort!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173
