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Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 8:27 pm
by kmohara5190
Hi Kassandra,

You website designs are concise and legible, which makes navigating them very easy. I think I prefer your second website because of the layout and how everything is visible. However, if you changed the image or texture in the second website design to a more contrasting one, it would make certain parts stand out more. Good job!

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:47 pm
by Instructor
Oh you've got a nice first design here, Kassandra. Looks like a playing card suite!

Your diamond theme is quite visually interesting. A good decision! It creates such fascinating diagonal visual lanes between the diamonds. Everything kind of clicks together. I really like the colors you've selected here. They're visually striking and work well together. Their mix of tints and shades creates a great contrast and helps emphasize your diamond theme. The rest of the layout is very clean and simple to use. Your navigation is easy to see and use. Good work with your typography as well. It looks like you used one font with different weights so everything works well together. I also like your use of center justified bodycopy. Any time justification is used it turns a block of type into a layout element and here it really works.

I would shrink the text ever so slightly in all three of your navigation buttons so that "References" has a little room to breathe inside it's diamond on the left and right sides. Don't forget to vertically center your class information in your footer. Your name looks slightly off center to your justified bodycopy. I'd double check that.

Nicely done!

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 6:03 pm
by Olive
Hi Kassandra :)

The designs you have are really nice the first one gives a really playful feel with the diamond shapes layout but I think the color palette could use some work, I favor your second design more because of the colors and clear layout but it could use more expressive type instead of a regular serif font.

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 8:02 pm
by Mal-Festio
Hey Kassandra,

You did a great job on both of your layouts. I think the one I like the most is your first one. I like the diamond motif used for a majority of your content and the color scheme probably the deciding factor for me. I also found it very interesting and how you are hanging from one of the diamonds on the top. On your mobile version, I think you are a bit small, I think you should try making it a bit bigger.

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:07 am
by Hamistani
Hello Kassandra,
I like what you've done with the first design! I like the picture of yourself because it makes the layout more personalized. I also enjoy the fonts because they go well together, and your name is the first thing you see. I think I would limit the color palette a bit, and make sure everything is centered, so it isn't off. I would also make the font in the navigation bar a bit smaller, so it doesn't look crowded. I'm looking forward to seeing your final piece, great job! :D

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 10:59 am
by rmepinero
Hi Kassandra, I think your first set of designs is a super fun I really like that you collaged yourself into the layout! I like the way you used your design elements to help your view move through your content. The second set of roughs is aesthetically pleasing as the color is neutral and calming. Overall, both have really great potential and work well! I think the only thing you could change would be to make your name a bit bigger and move that, your info paragraph, and paragraphs down a few clicks just to give the top of your layout some margin.

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:41 pm
by Meghna_Misson
Hi Kassandra,

I really like how you came up with these two concepts, especially through the use of geometric shapes and warm colors--it genuinely provides a sense of stability and natural flow. However, with the first concept, it seems sort of misbalanced due to placing your photo on the far left. I would recommend trying to place the photo elsewhere within the composition and maybe scale it up (for example, placing it on the right of the visible area and having your text be on the left; balancing out each other somewhat symmetrically), so that it does not convey this type of feeling. But besides that, I think you also did a good job with including emphasis and hierarchy within all your design elements. Keep up the good work!