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Re: Project 1 Preliminary

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 9:15 pm
by kmohara5190
Hi Sequoia,
I really like your first website design because of the colors you chose, it makes your simpler layout really stand out! I think if you were to raise up the white bottom with the text to at least the mid-line it would look more balanced. Nice job!

Re: Project 1 Preliminary

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 9:27 pm
by comicsansfanclub
Hi Sequoia,
I love that vibrant red and turquoise combo that you chose on that website! looks awesome and very eye catching. I would change the color of the letter S in your logo because right now it's a little hard to read. Nice Job! Excited to see your final design

Re: Project 1 Preliminary

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:50 am
by Hamistani
Hello Sequoia,
I like the second layout for the computer more. I think the logo, typography, and image are awesome! The layout is very easy to follow, and the name is the first thing I see, which is something my design lacked, so you did a great job! I would dim the colors a bit, to a darker red and a darker turquoise, and I would make the name just a smidgen smaller. Overall, fantastic job! :D

Re: Project 1 Preliminary

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 10:40 am
by rmepinero
Hi Sequoia!

I really like that your websites are clean and straight to the point (as was your intention). I like that in your first set of designs you’re able to showcase your own artwork while also being informative. I am leaning towards the first set and the only thing I would change would be to limit your site to two fonts. You could make the font of your name the same as your body copy or as your links, but I think that’ll help to make your piece feel cohesive overall.

Great job!!

Re: Project 1 Preliminary

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 10:41 pm
by IzzyB
Hi Sequoia,

I like your first computer design the best. I feel like things are easy to read and navigate. I would change the type for your website tabs, and your GRC information. I like how you used your photo in the middle with the colored edges, it feels like I am reading about an artist and their works. 8-)