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Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 5:01 pm
by Mal-Festio
Hey Stephanie,

It's great you have very different designs going on here. The first is very artistic; it really reminds me of a collage in an art journal. The second is very professional-looking, but the layout is very interesting at the same time. I think either is a great way of showing who you are, someone who is artistic and professional. I am really into the details you have on your first one the most. I like how the black ink strokes go behind and overlap with the golden border. The body copy is too scrunted up, and it makes it a bit hard to read. You should adjust the leading, so there is more space between the lines.

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 8:41 pm
by it's_crysta
Hi Stephanie,
I really like your first design with the water color background and the golden lines, they work very nicely against the cool colors. My advice would be to create those brush stroke textures yourself because the images you used gets pretty crunchy looking around the edges. Can't wait to see your finished layout!

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 2:46 am
by Hamistani
Hello Stephanie,
These both look fantastic! I like the second design more. I think it looks very clean, and the colors go perfectly together. I also enjoy the background image you chose, and the navigation bar is easy to see. The only thing I would change is the font of the "I'm Stephanie." I would change the typography from an all lower case font to a font that has some upper case. Overall, great job, I am looking forward to seeing the final piece! :D

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 10:12 am
by rmepinero
Hi Stephanie!

I really love the contrast of colors in your first design and I think it was a really cool effect to have the black brush strokes with the white text. The second design is just as fun and I love how you matched your colors to your main image. The one thing I would fix would be to make the font a bit smaller just to let your main headline have some margin. Otherwise both designs are so fun and I think, like everyone else said, there are really good elements working in both and I think there’s really cool potential to combine them in an interesting way.

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 5:17 pm
by kmohara5190
Hi Stephanie,
I really like your second website design, the picture you chose, and the geometric cut outs are really fun! Also did you mean for the picture to be shaped like Nevada? The only thing that I would change is the font you chose for your name, it looks a little off with the fuzzy-ness. Good job!

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 10:53 pm
by Kelsey_Reynolds
Hi Stephanie! I love how colorful and eye catching your designs are! And I think how you made the picture of the casinos in Reno kind of fit a Nevada shape for the mobile layout. I think the first design you did is really good however, the painted look of the highlights are a nice touch and gives off a nice artistic aesthetic!