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Re: Preliminary 01

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 7:58 pm
by Kassandra
Hi Hannah,
I'm loving your first rough for this project. I love how you layered your name and the simple design. The only thing I would change is keep all the class information together in one section, so bring the TMCC part to the bottom near the class information. Then make your email bigger at the header, because right now it's a bit hard to read.

Re: Preliminary 01

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 8:10 pm
by Mal-Festio
Hello Hannah,

I really like both of your designs. They look very elegant and the colors a great. I like how you intentionally made all the text small do there is a great amount of white space going on. I like the first one the most because of how you overlay two different fonts for your name. A nitpick would be on your computer version; the "Truckee Meadows Community College.." is hard to read and is too close to the edges of the blue backdrop edges.

Re: Preliminary 01

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 9:19 pm
by kmohara5190
Hi Hannah,
Your simple website design is very soothing to look at, I like how it is not overwhelming in anyway! I prefer your first website because it has a more intricate design that grabs more attention, which a more simple website needs. I think that if you maybe were to change the font for your name it might look a little more cohesive. Good job!

Re: Preliminary 01

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 9:30 pm
by comicsansfanclub
hi Hannah,
woah I'm really loving the overlapping type in your name. The colors are both cute and eye catching. Would definitely go for the first design, but I would love to read more about the designer!

Re: Preliminary 01

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:06 am
by rmepinero
Hi Hannah!

Your work is always so beautiful! And I always enjoy the colors you use in your work. You make bold, yet aesthetically pleasing choices. I really like the first design and how you laid out your name. I tried that script paired with a serif font but I couldn’t just get it to look right, but yours looks so great and the contrast of colors helps too. Really the only change I would make in your 2nd set of designs is that you can move your links so that there’s an even amount of margin on either side of the darker pink you’re using.

Good job and I’m sure your final design will be beautiful!

Re: Preliminary 01

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 6:26 pm
by dearangela
Hey Hannah,

I really like your first composition! The blue, yellow, and pink remind me of flowers and calmness and fits well with your chosen image! I am having trouble figuring out your header, your main hierarchy. The first thing I see is your flowers, and if you wanted that to be your hierarchy maybe making it really nice and big and maybe bleed? Or maybe just fill in space with bigger types and or borders? It looks great so far and can't wait to see what's next!

Re: Preliminary 01

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 10:33 pm
by IzzyB
Hi Hannah!

I love how I can see your style clearly on this website. I remember taking your business card and both that and this just scream you. It is very unique and I personally love it! I think your first design is the strongest and the only thing I would change is the size of your typeface as it is hard to read. But overall, it is very beautiful. :)

Re: Preliminary 01

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 10:52 pm
by MatthewCS
Hey Hannah,
I'm really liking your first design, the flower graphic fits perfectly to your design. The colors scheme is a good match but the yellow text on top makes it a little hard to read as well as your blue body text. I think you could add a white border for your files and for your body text. I'm also thinking you could do the same with your name but instead put a white outline so that it makes it easier to read.
Overall it looks professional and i'm interesting into seeing the final design.