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Re: Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:48 pm
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Izzy,
These are some cute and creative designs. I really like the bulletin board design with everything being pinned to the board over the science themed one. They both have a good flow to them but I think the bulletin board design just stands out more because of the brighter colors rather than the darker space theme. I don't think much needs to be changed on the first design but on the second, I think the body text is just a little too slanted, I would make it more like the first design.

Re: Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 2:09 pm
by estrellau
Hi Izzy
I really like the poster board look it looks fun and casual it also looks very organized. I think that adding small elements not too much like a pin or something like a sticker looking icon would look cool
And for the space on I really like that one its really cute

Re: Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 8:45 pm
by kmohara5190
Hi Izzy,

Both your designs are unique and creative, and so much fun to look at. I prefer your second website because there are more images that fill in the empty space (no pun intended). However, I think that the font could be a little larger just so that it is more legible on top of the black. Good job!

Re: Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 5:11 pm
by Mal-Festio
Hey Izzy.

I think your designs are great and very unique looking. I am glad you decided to do something more experimental because both of your concepts are very strong. Because of this, it makes both of them feel very handmade and personal. Whatever you go with, I think it will fit with you very well.

Both of them are hard to nitpick any detail. Maybe the body copy on the second; it kind of feels a bit compressed. But I think everything else is fine.

Re: Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 5:26 pm
by Instructor
Ooooooooh! Skeuomorphism! Alright, Izzy, you're like the seventh or eight person I've said this to, but both of these designs are equally good. Pick whichever one speaks to you the most.

Lol! Are you listening to some "Lo-Fi Beats for Studying" in that cartoon on your first design? Awesome. I love the whole corkboard concept you've got going on here. So much room for detail and weird references. Ordinarily, I'd advise you to add a little more bottom margin on your bodycopy container but having the paper be torn off like that is such a fun effect that I won't bother you about that. Such great use of texture all through this thing, both literal texture and visual texture. Your hand writing font and typewriter font are working so well together here. Great use of textures throughout. I like the little paper airplane doodle in your bodycopy and that you matched it to your class info.

Make sure all of your drop shadows share a common light source. Also the farther away the drop shadow is the higher the item is.

And then your second one is just as good. I love the "kids science fair presentation about space" vibe you've got going on here. It's so whimsical. I think my favorite bit is that all the space parts are hung by strings. Great use of contrast on this thing as well; everything pops so nicely. I love the splat dropshadows you have too. So much fun! There's basically no color here, but that's fine, we're in spaaaaaaaaace. The layout itself is surprisingly clean and navigable. Your typefaces are all working nicely here. They really support the idea that this whole thing is basically handmade. Very twee. Very Wes Anderson.

I'd add some strings to the rocket and moon to preserve the idiom you have going here. Make sure all your shadows share a common light source. It looks like the moon and your type area are being shined on my two different light sources.

Excellent work!

Also, we already have had Bearded Dragon pics in the General Discussion forum. Where are the Haku pics? I mean the precedent has been established.

Re: Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 8:50 pm
by it's_crysta
Hi Izzy,
I like that you went with a cork board and a chalk board aesthetic. I'd pick the chalk though, I like the space theme and the textures you get with it. I think it would be nice if the box your type is in and the same outside texture as the one under it, that's the only thing I can think to change. Can't wait to see you final!

Re: Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:11 am
by rmepinero
Hiya Izzy!

Okay, both your designs are super cute. I love the details you used to help encourage the themes of your layouts. I really can’t find much to change. I think if you go with the chalkboard theme, you could make individual buttons for your links rather than having one long bar. But that’s it!

Great job!!

Re: Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:29 pm
by MatthewCS
Hey Izzy,
I think your concepts are really unique and cool, I personally like both of them but If I had to chose one I would go with the chalk board theme. I think you can really play with the design even more and find some cool fonts that would really fit the theme of your website. If you search up chalk board menus on images in google I think you'll really like to take some inspirations from those results. Overall it's looking real good!

Re: Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:54 pm
by Kelsey_Reynolds
Hi Izzy! These designs are both awesome, They both give me kind of classroom vibes, with the bulletin and chalkboard designs. I think I like the Bulletin one a bit more, Its more colorful and visually pleasing, the layout looks easy to navigate and it very clean. great job!