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Re: Project 1 final

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:52 am
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Sequoia,
These are looking good, the colors are so bright and vibrant, but they aren't vibing too much with each other so they don't hurt your eyes to look at. I like that both layouts now have a similar look to them even if the image changes. I would try designing your own search icon for the mobile version so that you can rid of the white background and have something as unique as your designs. I do agree with what some of the others have said, that your body copy, specifically on the computer layout, is too bold for how small it is. I thin you could stand to shrink the class info at the bottom of the page in order to give yourself some more space for increasing the size of the body copy.

Re: Project 1 final

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 9:59 am
by ItsAllisxn
Hi Sequoia!

I'm really happy you picked this rough, it was definitely my favorite out of the ones you provided. The colors are very bold and bright together, yet work cohesively. The imagery you picked looks great and really compliments the colors and layout. For your personal logo, your "S" and the box behind the R are getting lost with the black. Maybe lightening up the gray would work better? Also, I'm wondering what the three lines on the right are for with your web and mobile layout since you have your navigation tabs are already in the middle. It would be super cool though to have that pop-out with the three lines. Good job Sequoia! Can't wait to see your published website :)

Re: Project 1 final

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 12:18 pm
by IzzyB
Hi Sequoia!

I really love the bold colors, the Native American art style and I agree that the papyrus font works with this website. Some of the typeface is a bit distracting but overall this a lot stronger than the prelim designs :)

Re: Project 1 final

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:22 pm
by kendall_the_mann
Hi Sequoia!

This design is so beautiful! I love the colors and I love the photography. I usually don't like the font papyrus, but I think with the colors it works so well! The only critique I have is the white box around the searching magnifying glass isn't really needed since you already have a black drop down menu tab against the same header. Other than that, this is such a cool design, really awesome job!

Re: Project 1 final

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 7:18 pm
by rmepinero
Hello Sequoia,

I think your layout is so organized and I’m glad you chose this design. I like that you showcase your work and I like the contrast of color. I would suggest adding more margin around your buttons and body copy, but otherwise you did a great job!

Re: Project 1 final

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 8:41 pm
by kmohara5190
Hi Sequoia,
I really enjoy the color scheme you chose, it goes well together and is unique! The text is a little spread out feeling, so maybe moving the “Project” texts closer together would look good, but overall I really like it! Good work!