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Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 9:39 pm
by lilykmitch
hi ericha
i love both of your designs so much. i think i like the first more for this project but i love the visuals in the second one the dark theme with neon pictures looks great.

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 10:14 pm
by Meghna_Misson
Hey Ericha,
I love the organization and cleanliness of your first concept, but damn that black background with bright colorful pictures on top for your second one captures my attention the most. I think this same idea is what will draw in other viewers as well to your website redesign, so I'd say to go with this version. Amazing and beautiful work for this last preliminary! Can't wait to see its finalized version!

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 11:05 pm
by mck775
Your designs are always fantastic. For this assignment I think the second one is amazing, It is so colorful and clean, your use of the images is stunning, it flows very well. The images are so colorful and give it an appropriate "art school" look. I also think its visually pleasing how you had the green text of celebrating 50 years, it brings the eye to it. However I wish that same kind of eye-catching color was there for the Graphic Arts & Media Technology Program since it is the main focus for this site. One other nitpicky thing is the text in the second design and the desktop version at the top. With all of your program information I think it would help with attention and readability to put a little low opacity, blurred, rectangle in photoshop underneath the "program information" and said links, as well as the text box to the left. I think that this would give the information more room to pop off the page and allow the user to see it better. But per usual I think these are great :)

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Sun May 08, 2022 1:53 am
by Elle Barre
Wow, Ericha, this is beautiful. Design 2 I mean, I love it. The colors in the images are amazing. The pictures are so perfect. I love each and every element and how you laid it all out. Superior work. You managed to work the school colors into a completely different color scheme and take nothing from it.

Design 1 is also beautifully laid out, and pretending I haven't seen the other, more spectacular visual treat of Design 2, it's focussing (verb), and roomy with the white space, and the colorful images are still great, but, set back like this, they are, idk, they're more pictures where in the other layout, they're experiences! I admire the way you start with the traditional website colors, and feather in, if you will, photos that tell a colorful digital art-y story. Both designs are absolute winners in my book. :- )