My Project 1 Website

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Re: My Project 1 Website

Post by R3YNO »

Brown is a hard color to use since it is not an exciting color. I don't think it is working too well with that particular shade of blue. I know that when you have a fairly dark shade of brown people oftain like to use a lighter blue almost cyan with it like this
colorshceme.png (2.84 KiB) Viewed 949 times
Picked the color off your banner and used Adobe Kuluer to generate the swatches

Another thought would be to use a red or crimson on the blue elements to make it an analogous color system.

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Re: My Project 1 Website

Post by cheyanne »

I think the layout is cool but I am having problems with the color as well. I think between the heavy use of brown and the background texture, it looks really dated. I think a little more research could help you (oh god, I'm starting to sound like Dan Bouweraerts).
I also don't understand the Billy Crystal part. I don't even know who that is! Someone explain this to me :(

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Re: My Project 1 Website

Post by phabegger »

You are absolutely right. The colors initially seemed appealing to me but now they look muddy. I originally wanted warm earth tones, how I got here I really can't say. Think I just got caught up in putting something together. I will be making changes once I manage to get it working. Thank you both for the insightful opinions, the swatches were very helpful.
(A funny... I couldn't figure out what the #1 and #2 icons meant. I moved the cursor over them but I was apprehensive to click. No stars for me.)

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Re: My Project 1 Website

Post by Alaxvong »

This is going in a good direction. Your refined design looks much better. I think your navigation area now has a bit too much white space. We've addressed that the navigation buttons were too big earlier, so shrinking the navigation area and enlarging the content area would be a good way to approach this problem. Your TMCC logo has a white background, but can easily be fixed with transparency or a matte of your current background color. I don't think your color choices are as warm as you intended. A good way to make your current color scheme more warm is to incorporate some white, and to saturate your current colors.
