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Re: Project three preliminary!

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:47 pm
by deni
I really like the gradient background on the first one and all of the second one. The logo is awesome and the beard pic priceless! good job


Re: Project three preliminary!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:45 am
by TommieGuy
I like the first design with the thought of pushing it all you can for that 60's formica look. If you do that one. I would use a filter to make the beard picture look 60's too --that red/cyan look of film with rust spots.

Re: Project three preliminary!

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:06 pm
by Instructor
Ah-ha! Another person who's fallen into the "two strong designs" version of Sophie's choice. I tend to slightly prefer the first one, but both are very strong.

If you pick the first one:

I like the 50's-60's kitsch look of this design. The greasy spoon diner glitter plastic look of the background is amusing and the navigation is very strong. The type also looks good, but I would expand the leading between your headlines and body copy. Watch your margins on the buttons, "instructors" and "programs" are a little close to the edges of the squares.

Think carefully about the images you'll use with this one as well. They'll have a strong effect on whether this works or not.

If you pick the second one:

This one's pretty strong as well, but it lags the first slightly. That 70's rock supergroup logo is just awesome. 11 thumbs up for that thing! The color and use of subtle gradation is very well done on it as well.

Where I have an issue with it is the type. The top bar is waay too crowded. Take down the sizes of the TMCC logo and "Graphic Communications" by 15-20% so there's room to breathe, the boldness of the font will continue to attract the eye. Take down the size of the navigation by 10-15% and let the color and boldness do all the work. The bodycopy is also too bold, too large and too close together. Shrink the font size by 4-5 points, add a point or two of leading, and use a medium or light font.

Also, that picture. My beard was never that short and you know it. Image

Good luck picking! :D

Re: Project three preliminary!

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:24 pm
by JohnLemieux
LOL I thought of soccer for the first one as well when I saw it. I love the second design, especially the Graphic Communication logo. IT is fat more digital looking and creative overall and less like a grassy field.

Re: Project three preliminary!

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:43 pm
by mike_check
Both are simple and clean, but I like the color palette of your second design.