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Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 2:30 pm
by Landsknecht
Nice work, Rachel!

Both are strong concepts. I would like to see the footer from the first page used as the footer on the second concept. The thought bubble and photo works, and you could put all the buttons and links in the brightly colored footer.

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:36 am
by I'mNicole
Heya Rachel.

On the first one, I love the neutral palette you chose with the contrasting pink (and I don't even like pink!). It's very eye-catching, particularly since you have the skyline pinked out in your header. The idea of a slideshow is also awesome, and it's nicely laid out with the text on the left. One problem I'm having is that everything's basically the same size, from your logo to your links to your text to your social media buttons. My eye doesn't know where to go because nothing stands out as the most important. And while you're right and your slideshow is a great idea to lure in clients, it just feels like it would be in competition with the header and footer, which are both rather large. I think it might be a good idea to settle on the one thing you think should be most significant on this page, the thing you want to make your clients notice first, and make that the focal point.

On the second, I really like the simplicity of the design and the undeniable focal point! My eye immediately goes right to your face, and it's such an awesome design to have your eyes looking directly at your thought bubble, because that's where my eye goes next. I also like that you monochromed your picture so the contrast of the colors against your background is excellent. I'm not sure about the size of your social media buttons though. They're large enough to catch my eye next, and they're right there in my face so I naturally want to click on them, and do you really want your visitors to click to another page versus browsing your portfolio and testimonials and whatever other links you have at the bottom? Really think about what you want to achieve from this page and make sure your design is going to help you with that. And one thing that goes for both designs is that they have that professional touch like you could make them live and start drawing in clients, but I'm not sure they're meeting the needs of the actual assignment; there's no paragraph about you and none of the required TMCC info and other such things. Not sure how picky Michael will be about that, but maybe something to keep in mind.

Personally, I like the first one better!

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 4:11 pm
by Heyyou
I love the simplicity of your second layout. The composition of the photo is awesome and it speaks to your creativity. It would make me want to click on your portfolio and that is the action you want the user to take. My suggestion is you use your photo as the background for all you elements. I don't think it is necessary to put you links in a rectangle at the bottom of the screen. Just use type that stands out and it should look great.

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 5:46 pm
by ekfulton
Hi there~
So I'm leaning towards design two. I really like the use of the oversized picture of you and the 'thought bubble' that encloses your logo. The logo itself is really cool too. Other elements such as the color palette and overall layout are impressive. I would have liked to see where and how you are placing paragraph text about yourself. I'd also like to know what your thoughts are as far as placement of the other required elements: the TMCC reference and the CGC175 info.

On design one, I like the idea of an image slide show. I think design two is the stronger of the two, although #1 would still be OK.

On both designs, I've noticed that the logos you are using for Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ don't meet the acceptable use policies of the sites. Here are links to the relevant info about how to use their trademarks in your web design: ... -guide.pdf

Overall, nice work!

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 10:38 pm
by DustDjinn
I think the second layout would be awesome, when you scrolled over the logo/your name it would turn into your about you. Its clean and refined and you could make it great with a little reworking.

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:12 am
by freem110
The 2nd concept is great, simple and well though out. It is also easy to orient myself with where things are. Well done!

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:18 am
by vhg0717
Hello Rachel,

I like the color schems you chose for both of the design. I would definately go with the second one. The image you used goes perfectly with the layout and design. I like the way how the eye goes to the image first, and how the image directs to the content! Great job!

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:45 am
by mel_nunez
Hey Rachel, both concepts are nice I really want to see what picture you will use for the first one. For right now even though the first one doesn't have a picture, all the navigation is there and it looks more easy to navigate. :idea:

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 7:42 am
by freem110
I really like to the second one. Its simplicity makes me happy! The only think I would change is perhaps putting the navigation on top? Other than that great design!

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:04 pm
by Dylan
I prefer the first design. The image slide show reminds me of one of the designs I did :] plus with the second one it looks like you might need to put text on the face. i wonder if you will use flash for the slideshow.