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Re: Project 1 -

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:22 pm
by donnalouwho
Hi Victor, I am automatically drawn to your b/w one but took a better glance at the first one and i think I prefer it. I would have to say i think the layout is better for displaying your photos. I would maybe do a bigger headline? Both look great, though! :D

Re: Project 1 -

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 2:23 pm
by I'mNicole
Heya Victor.

On the first one, I do like the layout. Everything's situated nicely and it doesn't feel cluttered or overwhelming. The pictures you chose, especially the little toy in the bottom left, are eye-catching and fun. Overall, after obviously exchanging some of the text, it feels like it could be a professional photographer's website. I'm not too fond of the bright yellow banner you have at the top, especially when all of the other colors are rather soft and easier on the eyes. I also think it would be interesting if, instead of having those two static pictures, you were able to make a scroll for several different ones. It would make a real focal point for the page and also showcase more of your work while also wanting visitors to see more.

On the second, I'm a bigger fan of the color scheme because it looks more elegant. I really like the multiple lines you used to create pseudo-boxes for your content, and both pictures were excellent choices. Your logo is well-done too. It does feel like there's too much empty space in the upper right-hand corner compared to everything else; maybe put some social media links up there or something, since it seems you're trying to portray a professional website. I would probably also try to make your links bigger and line up on those lines a little better, or even make cutout spaces for them on those lines. They just look a little odd to me.

Personally, I like the second better!

Re: Project 1 -

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 2:47 pm
by Juan Vazquez Lopez
Hey Victor...
The first lay out looks really personal, i like the way you play with this pics of the babies although, everything in this page is like firing for hierarchy. In the other layout I want to say that it is amazing. It looks so professional, I like how the Reno"s pic talks by itself in the layout and the yellow color that you choose make a really good contrast with the pics...also i like the lines that you use as around the page... well done.

Re: Project 1 -

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 10:03 pm
by Siri

The first design is very good in showing what your profession is, it looks more like a business website than a personal one. Both do actually, but the first design more so. I suppose it would depend on what kind of audience you want to reach for when people come to your website, because both designs are really good. If you choose to go with the first one, I'd recommend tightening the space in your banner, the pictures are a little too far apart there.

Re: Project 1 -

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 10:21 pm
by DustDjinn
I love everything about the second one. Its classy and sleek. I can't think of anything that would make it any better.

Re: Project 1 -

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 10:57 pm
by ekfulton
Hi Victor - well I have to say that the arch photo in design 2 is really special. I've actually taken a very similar photo also in BandW, but I have to admit yours would for sure come out the winner in a fight against mine. I think that design two is the way to go. The color choices of this design, the page layout, and the photography really make this design stand out.

On design two, the page for sure screams "kid photos". All of the design elements reinforce that theme. Well done.

I have no suggestions for either of your website designs since I feel they both gel very well. Great work. A.

Re: Project 1 -

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 11:59 pm
by freem110
So cool! Especially the second concept. The colors are great and I love your use of hierarchy! Wonderful work!

Re: Project 1

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:42 pm
by Justin Hubert
Hey Victor,

I really like both of these designs, but I liking the second one more so. I like the first one, but I feel like it is too specific to children's portraits and wouldn't work as well with as broad of a project as this. I think that it is well put together, and I really like the color scheme, but I think that the second one is better. I also think that the logo is awesome in the second one.

Re: Project 1 -

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:03 pm
by mel_nunez
que pasa Victor!! both layouts are looking good. the second version is my favorite one i like how you used pictures of reno. it looks amaizing good job victor!!

Re: Project 1 -

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:23 pm
by Dylan
I really like your second design, mainly because if feel if I was looking for a photographer, I would assume he could do babies. the first one is to focused I guess is what I'm saying, but they are both great layouts!