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Re: Prelim Crit

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 6:35 pm
by Heyyou
The layout on the first website is easier to navigate and has a stronger color scheme. The second one has more potential. You could change some of the sizes of the boxes to create some hierarchy and change the color scheme and I think it could be much more dynamic than the first. Great job emphasizing your art work.

Re: Prelim Crit

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 6:54 pm
by nunezm
Hi Dyan,

I'm really liking the second website. The background color brings the whole page together, all the elements are centered and organized. My eye goes straight the slideshow you going to have in the middle. Great Job :D

Re: Prelim Crit

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 1:48 pm
by I'mNicole
Heya Dylan.

On the first one, I do like the contrast of the mostly black and white coloring against the colors of your pictures and that glowing red border. I think that will work nicely, especially when the scroll is fully in place. The font you chose up top is fun and unique and I think having the "References and Resources" at the bottom in that same font will add some cohesion between your headers. At the moment, I'm really not sure how your links are going to work, and that does bug me a little. Are they really going to be just the words you have, or buttons, or...? Especially at the bottom under your R&R section, where it's just listed as Page 1, etc. I'm curious to see the final picture here.

On the second, I like that it's simple and very to the point. The different colors of your boxes work well against the stark black background, and I love the picture you chose for the "about me" box. I would play around with the fonts more, because they're all the same and some of those letters in that font are kind of hard to read (especially the class info). Maybe also decide what you want the real focal point to be on this page and try to make it more obvious, because it feels like a toss up between your information and the class's.

Personally, I like the first one better! And both of your inspirational sites are amazing, wow.

Re: Prelim Crit

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 4:59 pm
by ekfulton
Hi ~
Well both of your designs make a bold statement.On the first one, the black background and white text are striking, as is the way you've set off the film strip with the red shadow. One suggestion I have is it would enhance readability if you made the paragraph text into two columns instead of one. Other than that, very nice design. I prefer this one over design two.

On design two, I like how you set off each page element it it's own background box; that looks cool against the black page background and each background box has a nice contrast with the paragraph font color you have used. One suggestion here would be to line up each element into one column rather than the staggered left to right approach you have taken. While it would narrow the page, I feel the viewer's eyes would follow the progression of your elements better.

Overall, nice work!

Re: Prelim Crit

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 10:35 pm
by Siri
Dylan, I'm also leaning toward the first design with the scrolling flash, it has a lot of potential with what information and visuals we've been provided. However, I'd say the elements are too uniform right now, there's no real focus as is. Maybe try to group the text of the header a little bit more, because you have a great start right here.

Re: Prelim Crit

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 10:40 pm
by DustDjinn
I enjoy layout one, It needs so rounding and color change to make it look sleek. Its going in a good direction for sure dylan!

Re: Prelim Crit

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:32 am
by mel_nunez
Hello Dylan I defiantly would go with the one that you show all your work from the previous grc classes 8-) I think the layout expresses more about yourself. Good job.

Re: Prelim Crit

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:54 am
by vhg0717
very nice desings. I like the idea of the second design with the flash scrolling across. I also like the background on it, being not too strong, but enough to create a nice texture for the design

Re: Prelim Crit

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:00 am
by freem110
Im favoring the first concept. I think the flash would be nice. I like your use of contrast and symmetrical balance. Im not sure what I would change great design!

Re: Prelim Crit

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:07 pm
by Dylan
I just realized I really confused everyone by naming them 1 & 2 and posting them in reverse order. MY BAD!