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Re: ekfulton project 2 preliminary

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:27 pm
by mawpe
that's a huge improvement, good work. If you can find a better donner ski ranch logo it would help, that one looks kind of chewed up

Re: ekfulton project 2 preliminary

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:36 pm
by DustDjinn
Ton down your colors to close match the vintage photo and use two colors on things you want to pop. I would get rid of the green on the buttons.

Re: ekfulton project 2 preliminary

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:17 pm
by Landsknecht
I like your choice of images, but not sure if the blue and orange are working with the idea of skiing...

Re: ekfulton project 2 preliminary

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:19 am
by I'mNicole
Heya E.K.

I think this makes a great homepage, but I'm really curious what your content pages are going to look like. Especially navigation wise. I'd also like to know when the the two pictures were taken, so maybe actually put in the year somewhere on them so people really understand how long DSR has been around. You probably don't need to put a period after "Generations of Memories" though.

Re: ekfulton project 2 preliminary

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:42 am
by Dylan
I like It a lot. The colors are so much better than the way the website is now. Nice job.

Re: ekfulton project 2 preliminary

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:36 pm
by mel_nunez
HI E.K cool looking concept i like the transition from black and withe to color !!

Re: ekfulton project 2 preliminary

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:14 pm
by freem110
I really enjoy your design, but I feel like you should stick with either a vintage theme or a modern theme, I think that will unify the design much more. It's fun and playful layout, well done!