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Re: Project One: Preliminary

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 7:25 pm
by clawson
The pink design is very pretty, I like how your web page picks up on one of the colors in the photo.

I like the tree & leaf element. I like the colors also. One thing for consideration is the brown a big contrast and bold compared to the delicate branch and leaf design. Perhaps if there was less of the brown it would be more fitting into a delicate design.

Re: Project One: Preliminary

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 7:38 pm
by Tickosity
I like both of your designs, I personally prefer the blue and green ones. I think they are more relaxed color choices than the pink, at least for me personally. I find the pink ones to be kind of distracting with how bright the pink is and so I find my eye not paying attention to your content.