Project UNO Prelim

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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by anayaestevan »


I like the first layout better. It has better layout and feel to it.

I think your body copy could be stronger. I'm not a fan of the way the text is broken up in your navigation. Looks good with the shadows though.
Estevan Anaya

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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by Zera-Chann »

I like the 2nd concept the layout is very nice and easy to navigate, I would just shrink the numbers just a couple points

Good luck!

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Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2018 9:32 pm

Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by Tickosity »

I really like the color choices and the layouts for your sites. My one critique would be that in your first desktop layout the body copy is getting lost in the photo a bit.
Latham Furman

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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by matt »

Hi Jason,

I really like your designs, they are very clean looking and well organized. I like the layout with your picture more than the other because it looks more personal and less like a stock photo. I think this makes a big difference in appearance. keep up the great work!
Matty James
