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Server Issue?!

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:06 pm
by smith206
I decided to alter my design slightly and it involved changing two images out and altering html and css. I went to update the files to the server with the changes I have made, so I deleted the files off the server that I wanted to replace and re uploaded them. For some reason it is still taking the old images even though they are no longer on the server. Is this just a time issue where it shows me that the files are deleted but in reality they are still on there for a little while? My revisions work fine when I preview the site on my machine so I know its not a problem with my files. Should I rename the images something else so if they are on the server somehow it wont try to grab the old ones?

Re: Server Issue?!

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:11 pm
by olddragon
I don't know... but when I fixed my page just a minute ago, I just deleted the page in the server and put the new page in, all in Fetch. I never got the Dreamweaver upload to the server to work, so I can't say if that is the issue or not.

Re: Server Issue?!

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:23 pm
by Lundholm
This may or may not be a cache issue. Some browsers have a cache that they save pages to on access and then in the future they load the page from cache instead of from the server. If this is the issue then the old version of your page would be in the cache. Try clicking the Refresh button to reload the page from the server. See if that works.

Re: Server Issue?!

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:45 pm
by smith206
Its fixed now. I just took it down for a while and put it back up. Not sure if it was a cashe issue because it was happening across all my browsers I was testing it in. Kinda weird though. At least its fixed.

Re: Server Issue?!

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:49 pm
by Instructor
Yeah, I've had this happen on occasion as well. It gives me a good scare, but if I leave it for a couple of hours it'll update. A watched pot never boils, I suppose. Not sure why, I assume it's some sort of server or DNS cache slowdown. If it doesn't change after a few hours, then you've got a problem.