Project 1 ~ Final

Post links to your Project One websites for discussion and feedback.
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Project 1 ~ Final

Post by breezy »

Hello everyone!
I took all the great feedback that everyone gave me and I decided to go with my second design. I took some of my shapes and gave them more of a geometrical feeling to create more visual interest. I adjusted the background color to make everything pop a little more. I added a drop shadow to my type to make it a bolder and more legible, I also adjusted some of the margins. Let me know what you all think!
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Brianna Mick

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Re: Project 1 ~ Final

Post by Ariesboxsye »

I like where this is going over all, its very stylized and good use of shapes to create an abstract design over all. Font's still feel too basic for me however, and the body copy seems to become hard to read with how thin that typeface is.
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Re: Project 1 ~ Final

Post by Kyler_Rose »

Your website is looking good, I like the use of the diamonds for your projects, but your paragraph just seems placed there and doesnt go with the design of the website.
Kyler Rose


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Re: Project 1 ~ Final

Post by susielang »


I really like your geometric design. Adds a lot of interest and dimension. I also like how you used the color. What I would do is change the typeface you used for the body copy. It is hard to read and could be integrated into your design better. Otherwise, I think it's great.
Susie Lang

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Re: Project 1 ~ Final

Post by erika.murray »

I love the different styles that you gave to the shapes. Your colors are nice as well. Since you changed your background color, it makes the overall type hard to read. I also feel that you need to change your Project text to white, or lighten the shapes that the text is on. The type at the bottom of the page was better in your preliminary. Links could be a little smaller so that it is not as crowded in the shape. Great work!
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Erika Murray

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Re: Project 1 ~ Final

Post by ktwy »

Your website has a lot of great texture to it! I would suggest changing the font of your bio, because it is a bit hard to read.

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Re: Project 1 ~ Final

Post by selvster5000 »

I love how you incorporated more geometrical shapes to your design, as well as,
your awesome color scheme. The added drop shadows to your text is a nice touch
too. Although I do agree with Erica to change the body/link color. The black text
is a little hard to read on the diamonds. Overall, nicely done!
Hannah Selvey

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Re: Project 1 ~ Final

Post by darian_p »

I love it!!!! Its so pretty with the colors and patterns. I cant wait to see the working website!
Darian Potichny

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Re: Project 1 ~ Final

Post by Instructor »

Geometry! Even more crystals! This one also includes a nice diagonal gradient.

I really like the introduction of the strokes and inner line work. I also like what you've done with your patterns. Deepening them walks away from the Justin Maller look, but adds depth and texture and I really like the way it looks. Almost like little doorways to parallel universes. That gradient was really an inspired addition. It helps guide the eye from one corner to the other and reinforces the directionality you've established with your crystals. I like the bolder navigation type too. Good choice on that.

Your margins are better, but still a little tight at the bottom left corner of your bodycopy paragraph and the bottom left corner of the first line of your title.

Nice work!
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Re: Project 1 ~ Final

Post by Peelio »

The website design is looking sharp! I like the variety of the diamond shapes. The color in the background works, but the links section is lighter in color value making it compete with the name at the top or the contact info at the bottom. The design is really unified with the shapes and fonts used. The color scheme is visually appealing.
Melissa Peel
