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GRC 175 home web page - final

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:07 am
by Jose_M
So based on previous feed back some of the improvements that I made were proper text alignment and leading, color changes with the navigation bar and logo, and more content on the right although it could use some more, perhaps an image? This home web page was meant to be easy to use, easy to identify characters and elements, and peaceful to look at. I used a dark background that is contrasted with soft text and image and a layout and hierarchy that will be easy to maneuver for the user. Over all (so far) it captures the essence and atmospherics that I imaged for my personal web page.

Re: GRC 175 home web page - final

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 3:04 pm
by darian_p
Very nice, But maybe you could spread you body copy over three columns. The spacing between the two kind of throws me off.

Re: GRC 175 home web page - final

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 6:05 pm
by Instructor
Late! Image

I'm glad you picked the one you did. It maintains the atmosphere of your preliminary work version, but softens it a bit. I like the softer, filtered edges around the photo at the top and the truer green you used in the navigation. It cools the design off without losing any of the inviting nature feel you established previously. Your margins are better too. I like the common left and right edges. Typographically, your design is still strong; I can quickly discern your hierarchy. Your navigation is also easy to see and use.

Your bodycopy looks a little weird. Like it's missing a third column? I think it would look better if both columns were wider or if you split it up over three columns. Your margin at the bottom of the page is a little tight.

Good work!

Re: GRC 175 home web page - final

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 10:32 pm
by Peelio
The alignment of elements looks well done. If the body copy was in a single column in the center, the page layout might flow better. The theme/image is peaceful, the font and color scheme adding to the success. :)

Re: GRC 175 home web page - final

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 10:54 pm
by Marco_Horta1
Hola Jose,

nicely done, good color selection and very easy to read and navigate just fine tune your paragraph at the bottom section of your website keep an eye for balance.

Re: GRC 175 home web page - final

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 10:11 am
by breezy
I like your layout, its very clean which I really like but there are two things I might change. As a lot of the comments have mentioned the body copy is a little distracting and the size of tmcc logos is disproportionate to your email. Over all good job!

Re: GRC 175 home web page - final

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:10 pm
by Pearl_Underwood
I love your photo! Very peaceful, and inviting as I love the outdoors! I think the only constructive criticism I have I to center, and align the text. I would fill in the empty space in the middle, or incorporate the text, and center it. The empty space under the Blog, and Contact needs to be fixed. Maybe put the GRC info on the bottom? Other than that I like it. Great job.

Re: GRC 175 home web page - final

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 8:48 pm
by chaytothet
Lookin' good!

The paragraphs are a little oddly spaced, maybe line them up if you'd like them to be part of the same idea or stagger them if they are different ideas.