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project 1 rough

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 1:36 am
by veronica chapman
This is my first design for project one. I had a couple of issues. One was could not download logo from this website, so I used an old one from a past class. I also noticed that the 12 point or 1-em size font for the body copy on the larger version seems really small.

Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 4:44 am
by Big_DaDdy
Hello Veronica,

First thing is first, I love your displayed artwork. You're obviously talented. I like the layout of both designs. I would, however, consider playing with colors and type. Your type feels very Halloween. Again your artwork is beautiful and you layouts flow well.
Hope this helps. Smiles sent your way!

Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:13 am
by Jackal
Hello Veronica!!

I think your design is very well composed and I love your use of the type fading in the background!! However, with your accent lines around the composition you should try playing with varying weights and styles just so it pops out a little more and doesn't 'blend' in with the weight of your fonts at the top. Also with your colors, they have a lot of contrast but to me the purple could be a little darker.

Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 1:04 pm
by tweetysmurf2350
I really like your colors. Purple is like my second favorite color. The yellow type stands out nicely from the purple and has nice contrast. I found the 12 pt or 1 em font size a bit small too but like Obvious Instructor Sock Puppet said, the em will adjust according to the screen size. Or it might just be my bad eyesight.

Hope this helps,

Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 1:21 pm
by veronica chapman
Big_DaDdy wrote:Hello Veronica,

First thing is first, I love your displayed artwork. You're obviously talented. I like the layout of both designs. I would, however, consider playing with colors and type. Your type feels very Halloween. Again your artwork is beautiful and you layouts flow well.
Hope this helps. Smiles sent your way!

Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 2:40 pm
by evexhouses
Hi Ronnie!

Your designs are super nice! I love the idea you had with using the faded type as your background it makes it very visually interesting. I would have to agree that even though purple is my ABSOLUTE favorite color, you should maybe think of a different color scheme. Also you could try using a solid color of some sorts behind your body copy so that it doesn't blend in with the background as much. Great Job on this!! :D

Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:23 pm
by tandyg
Hi Ronnie,

You hit the royal colors with purple and it's complimentary yellow. I can see you're staying close to the guidelines of the design and the type size. Itty bitty 12pt or was it 8m.? I think you have always had a good sense of visuals and your layout is, for sure, rock and roll.

Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:27 pm
by agostina_renau
your artwork is amazing! Congrats. I love your layout and the fact that you pick complementary colors. But, I did the squinting test and the yellow disappears, may be you could try to make the purple a shade.

Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:20 pm
by kayla.pressburger
I really like how evenly aligned your layout is. It makes it easy on the eyes to follow. I also like that you included your artwork! I would consider using a different color for your body copy, especially on your mobile version to make it easier to see the words.

Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:13 am
by Drakula
Hello Veronica,

I like your overall layout, it's very easy to navigate. The line details are very interesting, and your color choice really pops. Your artworks is amazing! thanks for sharing :D! Good job!