Project 1 Final

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Project 1 Final

Post by kayla.pressburger »

Hi everyone! Here are my final designs for Project 1. I decided to go with the mountain design, but I changed a few things around. I wanted a bit more color in my design to make it feel less gloomy, so I changed the background image. I also changed the font on my bodycopy and some of the colors to make it all flow together. I wanted my design to start out simple, so I can add more/less to it as the semester progresses. As far as I can tell, it meets all the requirements for Project 1. (:

As for my informational websites, the first one has some helpful tips on how to make your website look nice and professional. The second website gives tips on how to make a good first impression with your website and the importance of doing so. ... onal-site/ ... practices/
Website Design Mobile Final.png
Website Design Computer Final.png
Kayla Pressburger

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by Drakula »

Hello Kayla,

I really love your final layout! Your use of light and dark is very effective and the over all aesthetic is very clean and interesting. Great job!!
Dana Drakulich-King

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by agostina_renau »

congratulations on winning so much!! you can't stop winning girl, good job!!!
love this design too
Agostina From Argentina

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by jason_hosier »

Kayla your design is beautiful and majestic. I think it emphasizes your style well. I always get caught up with word choices and in the sentence where you say you, "plan to" graduate maybe you could change it to "will graduate" to make it a stronger sentence. thats all. :)
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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by Jackal »

Hi Kayla!!

I love the new photo you chose, the colors are still on the cool side but it made such a difference. Anyway I just really luv your website, nice job!
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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by emilyduke »

Hey! These designs are great, they give off a very clean and professional vibe but also look sort of vintage. I like the layout of your desktop design, it really uses all of the space given well.
Starfish ✩ emily duke

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by anayaestevan »


Your layout is great! Everything is planned well. Fonts are great too!

Navigation on the mobile version is a bit small, but I understand why you made that choice. Not much else to say, great job.
Estevan Anaya

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by Jones »

Wow! That turned out great! I like the image, the colors, the alignment of your text is great and the logo up in the top right corner is nice as well.

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by tweetysmurf2350 »

I really like the overall layout of this design. The light and dark adds nice contrast and gives it a bit of interest.
Terri J. Taber

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by Instructor »

I don't know about less gloomy. It's a little more Twin Peaksy now. A wet, heavy, northwest mystery as opposed to a cold, alpine mystery.

As with your other one, your photo choice is excellent. It immediately establishes atmosphere and tone. And it's like 90% of your color. Both your mobile and computer layouts do a great job of working within/around it. Your type is well chosen. It looks like the opening credits to a TV show set in your background image. I like the use of brightness and contrast, both to set your type off against your background image and to provide a bit of extra content hierarchy. Grouping is on point here as it was with your preliminary design. There are three (phone) or four (computer) distinct "areas" in your layout and they are well boundaried by good margins and excellent proximity of the objects in them.

I'm not sold on the italic type for your bodycopy. I think it looked better with regular type.

Fantastic work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

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