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Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 7:04 pm
by Jones

This is the site needing a facelift into the year 2018.

Once again I was going for a simplification and eye catching clean and professional approach.

Note: Refer to file name to discern the homepage from second page.

Please share with me your thoughts.



Re: prelims_project_02_sjones

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:13 pm
by kayla.pressburger
These are nice! I think I prefer your second layout over the other. It's a cleaner design, and I love that Lake Tahoe graphic. I suggest using higher quality photos, especially since your photos are the main focal point of your designs. You want them looking crisp and clean like Lake Tahoe! :)

Re: prelims_project_02_sjones

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:32 pm
by Drakula
Hey Sarah!
I like where you are going with your layouts, it's miles above the original! The first set works well to establish the spirit of the company and is easy to navigate. The background image seems to be a little fuzzy, maybe reduce the transparency so the font takes the stage while producing a dreamy quality. The second set of layouts are super cool too, the map really give it the element of adventure. The one suggestion I have would be to change the color of the headline, it gets lost in the trees lol. Bravo, can't wait to see how it comes out!!

Re: prelims_project_02_sjones

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:02 am
by agostina_renau
I love the idea of elements! I think you should use that for the final.
I like the floating text in both layouts, but both the text from the foreground and the image in the background are equally bright to me and I loose the text a little.
good job!!! see u in germany or italy.

Re: prelims_project_02_sjones

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 2:20 pm
by emilyduke
I think the first image is a really good summer adventure image, but its kind of hard to see any type the image is so overpowering, I would suggest maybe toning it down or creating transparent boxes for type on top of it, I prefer the second design, its clean and the tahoe map graphic is really cool. Both have lots of potential!

Re: prelims_project_02_sjones

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:54 pm
by raton de biblioteca
I am completely drawn to the second set of roughs :) I agree with the others, the images are sharper and the white background with the maps incorporates the old website to it's new plastic surgery website! The italicized font choice adds a ton of excitement to the overall page, I love it.

Re: prelims_project_02_sjones

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 9:28 pm
by veronica chapman
I like both of these designs. With the first one I think the images are awesome but might be a little more powerful if you applied a little transparency or an overlay. (just a little) your second design is great. I love the incorporation of photos and illustrations. On both I would work on the text. the first one is a little too Arial and the second is a bit too italicized. But both are really good!

Re: prelims_project_02_sjones

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 2:42 pm
by tweetysmurf2350
I like your bottom designs better. They seem more clean are really say "mountain range to me."

Re: prelims_project_02_sjones

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 4:32 pm
by jason_hosier
your preliminary desktop pages are very cool, i would choose them.

Re: prelims_project_02_sjones

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 6:00 pm
by Instructor
It's funny, I like "preliminary_mobile_homepage.jpg" the best. Yes, I know it's your mobile design, but I like the way those two pages flow. The way the images fade into a pale sky at the top for the logo to inhabit and then fade out at the bottom and give way to a nice content area. I think that's something you can use in your computer designs. Maybe have an image that takes up the left two thirds of the screen and then fades out at the right third and have your content (like your Tahoe map) be on that right side.

That Tahoe map is a great design element, BTW. It establishes that this is a local business and, since it looks like a hand drawn map, a feeling that this is a long time outdoor business. Your image game is on point throughout this whole design. You've got plenty of great images working for you to tell this place's story. The "four element" navigation is pretty amusing as well. Your logo font seems to be working alright. It's got a hand scratched look to it that helps give a feeling of old age/new age to the whole thing.

Your images are pale enough, I'm not sure we need the black borders around your buttons. Pity we don't have much bodycopy to critique. I'd recommend a clean sans-serif for your bodycopy, like you have in your Tahoe map.

Good work!