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Project 2 Link

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 12:14 am
by kj923
The semester is almost over!!
Hang in there, everyone!

Here's the link to my website. ... n-johnson/.
I kind of formatted my website to fit in both, google chrome and safari, so it might look best if viewed there :)

Thanks guys!

Re: Project 2 Link

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 4:44 pm
by Drakula
Wow, your site is great! I'ts very clean and classy, the home page is perfect to get a feeling for what the site is about. Good job!

Re: Project 2 Link

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 6:09 pm
by hiitsyuri24
I really like the images you chose for both sites! They are easy to find information too. Great job!

Re: Project 2 Link

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 6:47 pm
by raton de biblioteca
The air plants translated really well to the website, those images look really nice on the clean layout! The magazine revision is nice and simple too, I actually like the inner pages having the same name as the page that you are on. Just as a side note thought I would probably give the page name less visual weight.

Re: Project 2 Link

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 6:03 pm
by Instructor
Looking good there, Kaitlyn. Both your designs are clean, high contrast, and use photography extremely well. In particular, I like the framed photo gallery area on your Project One. I also like the use of z-index on your flowers to give depth to the composition. Good use of CSS injected fonts on both websites as well. Your navigations are easy to find and use on both projects. Both projects also use margin and padding extremely well. I like the full photo homepage combined with magazine style inner pages on Project Two. It provides good layout contrast and makes information/articles/etc. easy to find and comprehend. I really like the fact that you've used no real color on your designs either. You're relying (correctly in my opinion) on the photos to provide color and visual interest. The layouts are just displays for the photos.

It looks like you've fallen victim to the same browser sizing issues that bit a few others. The subscription buttons on your Subscriptions page look a little dull and perfunctory, they could have been spiced up a little bit. I also think your bodycopy could have been a size or two larger with a couple of points extra of leading/line spacing.

Excellent work!

Re: Project 2 Link

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 6:12 pm
by kayla.pressburger
Your websites are really clean and modern! I love the fonts you used on your Project 1 page and images that you used on both websites. Nice job!

Re: Project 2 Link

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 5:23 pm
by tweetysmurf2350
Both of your layouts look very clean, the only thing I would say is that on your personal homepage part of one of the succulents is covering part of your body copy on my screen. I have a 13 inch screen on google chrome so it might just be my issue. Other than that, great job!

Re: Project 2 Link

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 7:04 pm
by Jones
Looks great! I like the images, and the flow of the sites... you've done a good job with white space balance as well. Perhaps use a bigger font for the body text? My aging eyes would be happy with that. ;) . Well done! Great work!

Re: Project 2 Link

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 7:08 pm
by agostina_renau
i think we used the same fonts. pretty!