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prelim critique

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 12:48 pm
by stars2night
Hey everyone! I created 2 different design roughs and I would like to see what you thought. I didn't do a logo. I did move stuff around based on where I thought it looked good in the mobile version vs computer version. I also stuck with one font for both websites, though I did a little bit of changing in tracking/leading or changing in bold/normal/fine versions of the same font.

In one version, I was very much thinking of gardening. It's almost spring! I was trying for greens, purples,and some blues (analogous color scheme) in background images and text. One of the major issues I had was no matter what I did with text effects on images, even with the opaque background boxes, it usually made things look worse. I know in all 4 designs, I could have used more effects. I wanted a fun, but soothing, relaxing, outdoorsy look. I went with a mostly sans serif font, with a little bit of script flair to give it a little visual interest, but not mess up the legibility too badly.

In the other version, I wanted more of a bold solid background. I was still feeling purple so that's what I chose. I continued with green text (going more for a complimentary harmony). I included some geometric shapes to break up the monotonous background and add a little interest. I toned it down to 15% opacity though, because at high opacity, it could be distracting. I was trying to use the flow of the triangle lines to help the eye flow through the piece.

One of the things that bothered me was that it seemed, per the instructions, like we need to have all the information on the same screen. I personally wanted to break it up onto multiple pages to let the text breath, especially on the mobile versions.

A lot of the sites I visited were winners in web design for year 2018. However, when I went back to find those sites again, the google ad suggestions were unreal and I couldn't find some of the really cool sites. There were some cool examples of breaking out of the traditional models by layering images in odd ways. I also liked the tri-image layout I found (which was fairly bland, but still interesting) which is where I got the idea for the my first draft. I spent a lot of time looking at sites that were held up as doing good and sites on some of the newer trends.

Re: prelim critique

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 7:13 am
by itsdrrlcarden
Your layouts are very organized and easy to read. I like the purple on the best because the one with the flowers in the background feels a bit conjested. The purple one is much easier to read and navigate.

Re: prelim critique

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 12:35 pm
by John1612
I really like the two purple designs because its not busy, and it flows with the type layout and choice of type very well. I like how the triangle shapes is not that overpowering that the type isn't overpowered by it.

For the two designs at the bottom the colors of the background clashes with the color choice of the type. the outdoor nature scenery you got going on is nice, but it is a little over the top. I think the picture of yourself speaks to your out doors nature and your creativity. That is why I like the two purple ones on the top, it just speaks to the creativity you possess.

SUBMITTED BY: Charlie Johnson

Re: prelim critique

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 2:09 pm
by z1claudia
Hi, I like your designs with the purple background more. Super clean and easy flowing layout. The only thing that comes to mind is picking at least one interesting font to use in your design. Also without changing your font color just playing around with the opacity so you can create a hierarchy with your text.

Re: prelim critique

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 9:50 am
by lewlewland
I personally prefer the bottom two designs with the images as opposed to the purple. I think that the purple is a little much but if it were a little less bold it could be more successful. I like the layout of the other two more though. I think that they are more interesting to look, maybe not as legible as the others but enough to where it will do well depending on what you are going for. The only thing I'd suggest is maybe cropping your portrait into a shape such as a circle maybe. Also maybe making the background images a little transparent.

Re: prelim critique

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 2:35 pm
by Gr8K8
I'm a sucker for flowers so I really really like your "rough1" set of designs. For the web one, I'd maybe consider swapping the image with the house into the middle though. This way you'd have more symmetry with the house in the middle and the two flower field pics on either side. It also might be cool to play with making the text that's on top of the pink flowers purple to add some contrast. Then you'd have the pink letters (about me section) over purple flowers and purple letters (related links) over pink flowers.

Re: prelim critique

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 2:45 pm
by Instructor
Nice! I like your purple one better. The image collage one is too visually chaotic.

Your purple one, on the other hand, has a very pleasing color scheme and uses contrast well. I like your purple background pattern actually. It has kind of an 80s school picture background quality to it. It's certainly visually interesting. The mint type goes together with it, too. They establish a good contrast in color if not in brightness. Your type looks really nice. You've done well by using the same typeface and then using different weights on it to establish a visual hierarchy. Everything is easy to see and use.

You know, I think your purple pattern background color is dark enough that you don't really need all the container boxes. I'd see what it looks like without 'em. Maybe use one in the header and one in the footer as framing devices, but that's it. I'd even try it without those and see how it looks. Watch your right margin on your computer layout, your name is awfully close to the edge.

Nice work!

Re: prelim critique

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:38 pm
by Unicorn_Service
The first design is far better. I'm not making any statement about the quality of the latter one, all I'm saying is that the first is better.

It would be best to give the hyperlinks a title instead of just simply pasting the entire URL. Something about what they are.

The latter design having rectangular raster images on top of a graphic background doesn't work so well. The first design is much more favorable.


Re: prelim critique

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 12:22 pm
by Andramada
I like your design with the pictures for it is clean and reflects your personality better than the purple and teal. The purple and teals color pallet seem to vibrate on my eyes unpleasantly. The text in both designs are very clean and professional looking. In your Computer rough 1, the three picture cause conflict in the back ground because they have no space and no margins to indicate they are separate. This creates the illusion that it should be one solid image where as it is not. With some more breathing room the images could creat some nice indications of organization and structure.

Re: prelim critique

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:21 pm
by JBobier
Katrina, I enjoy how you always have a color scheme in mind with all of your projects! That being sai the more I look I think I like the top two a little better. It is easier on the eyes and easy to navigate. The bottom ones are nice but I kinda wish that the computer version used just one background picture like the Mobil version. Good Job!