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Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:17 am
by lewlewland
I wanted to make my mock-ups look very clean. I recently made the logo that I used and thought it would fit the assignment well. The other images include a picture of me lol and an illustration I made a while ago. I wanted the website to come off professionally and like something I might actually use in the future. I looked up examples of the "best" mobile websites and computer websites and tried to design my website keeping those designs in mind. The links that I added are websites that I like to go to for creative inspiration and/or creative direction. Another website I didn't add but use frequently is instagram. I am able to find many artists of many kinds and I get to see what they do and how they do it.

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 4:06 pm
by erino
The logo looks cool and great panorama view of Reno.

Erik Reyes

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 1:55 pm
by z1claudia
Hi, I like both mobile designs. Maybe the top one just a bit more. The only recommendation I can give is to play around a bit more with the space. Instead of having everything on the top and bottom. Use the middle as well or give a little bit of white space between each layers. You could try centering your text more in the center as well. Also maybe shorten the width of your text body. These are just suggestions, don't know if they fit into the type of design style you are going for. The simplicity of both mobile designs are great.

I really like the web design with your photo over the one with the illustration in it. Again I would suggest to play around with the space in the text box. Possibly moving the paragraph to the middle. Also I feel like the "GRC 175, Web Design...." font should be just a little bit bigger than your paragraph font size. Just to separate it more and give it more of a text hierarchy in your design.

Also wondering where your navigational buttons will be?

Nice clean and clear layouts for all 4 designs.

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:06 pm
by John1612
Personally I like the ones with the logo at the top of the page. I really think the one where the logo is blown up is the best. The ones with the portrait in them are cool, but to me it's a little too confusing; because it reads a little like a robot made it instead of a human.

Submitted by Charlie Johnson

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 12:43 pm
by stars2night
I like project 1 mobile rough. I like the use of black and red and white. I also like the amount of red and black at the top.

I do notice that on all of them that you seem to be missing navigation. I also not all that fond of the font of your background section. I feel like another font might be a little more legible. You could also play a little more with text effects and size to see if that helps as well.

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 6:47 pm
by itsdrrlcarden
I love your designs! Your logo is placed so perfectly and works so well with the designs. I love your layouts and color choices. Only critique I have is to maybe play around more with placement of text to make it easier to navigate.

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 1:05 pm
by Instructor
I'd say "Computer-rough-2.png" is your best design here, Lewis. It's got a great portrait photo with good colors that work with the rest of the high contrast design. I like the use of the white header as a framing device with the phot and content. It draws the eye after it alights on the portrait so it immediately answers the "who is this?" question users will have. Great use of contrast throughout. The black and white really work well with the photo. Your san-serif was a good choice as well. Nice and clean. Good placement with your logo as well. It makes a nice accent piece.

You'll want to add a little more margin between your bodycopy and it's container. I'd recommend enlarging the bodycopy too. You also don't have to ditch the photo background for your phone version. Just center the headshot and move it down below the bodycopy and then run the bodycopy all the way across above it.

Nice work!

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 6:35 pm
by Gr8K8
I think all your designs are very clean and straight forward. I like "Mobile-Rough_1" and "Computer-rough-2" best.

"Computer-rough-2" I think your bodycopy could be a little bit narrower to give it some space from the edge. You could also try moving it down a ways from your "GRC 175" bit of text. It also might look nice if you made some of your font either red like your hat, or a dark version of the blue in the sky.

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:40 pm
by JBobier
I think that three of the four could use a little bit more balance. That being said I like the one with the picture of you in it. It has the best balance of all of them. I think you still need to get all of the elements of the project in your designs and that will help create more balance. Adding the project 2 and project 3 and creating some buttons for those as well as the social media logos can help you out. Good start!

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 8:11 pm
by Unicorn_Service
Your symbol looks like the Lifted Research group logo.


I personally pick favorites with the first design. The color are very pleasing to look at.
I do really like the font choice in the latter design. It is noble and unique.
I must say something about showing a picture of oneself on the homepage, it seems kind of cliche.