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Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 7:11 pm
by itsdrrlcarden
Hello, my name is Darrell Carden and this is my project one final. I took a lot of advice from the critiques we did previously. I enjoy these designs much better. I stuck with the watercolor background image because I felt it played with color much more versus my other design. I decided to use greyscale, black, and white for the words and logos because you guys suggested I did and also I felt like it added more focus to the header and the background image. I focused on changing my placement, margins, text size, and colors to improve my design. I feel like this is the best design to represent me. My two links are and i choose these two because they are interesting and focus around art. I thinking knowing about art and creativity is important in designing and web designing. The first link is a Youtube video about the process of art and what art means, but in an interesting and questioning way. The other link is an interesting article about artists. My design ties in with these links because it ties around art and designing.


Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:58 pm
by John1612
One thing to look out for is grammar errors, an example of this is, "...i hope you enjoy!" the URL is wrong also. Those are two mistakes i have found fix those and your on the way to a better looking website. it feels a little strange on your links how its layout is with the e to entry is placed hard to read. The background is awesome, and the placement of it all is great. The only other thing that bothers me is the body text color. it feels like the contrast of the body text needs a little help. fix those things and its a nice web page layout.

Charlie Johnson


Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 9:22 am
by Gr8K8
I really like the changes you made to your design. I think the gray text/links makes the water colors pop out much more. I also like the white text on the water colors a lot! However, I think your body text gets a tad lost in all the awesome color. I think finding a slightly bolder font would help your the legibility of your body copy. I also think the top section of your mobile layout feels a little cramped/full. Perhaps consider moving your social media buttons down under your navigation links?
Other than that I really enjoy the overall aesthetic of your whole design. Good work! :)


Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:15 am
by lewlewland
I really like the watercolor splash as the background in these, I think it's it makes the design really interesting. The layout in these designs is really successful too, the only thing I would maybe change is to somehow make that white text more noticeable in the computer layout :)


Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 7:16 pm
by z1claudia
The improvements are great. I liked the way they turned out. I just wish you maybe choose the color black for text on the web design. The white looks good but seems to get lost in the background. Also for the mobile version the "about me", email, and paragraph seem really jumbled together. Some breathing space would be nice. Possibility moving it to the center of the design might work as well.


Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 7:57 pm
by erino
I like your water splash design. I don't really have nothing only some way on your mobile, try to lighten the water splash where the number lll is to be more legible. Other than that cool concept!

Erik Reyes


Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:03 pm
by stars2night
I like it and how nice the gray text is. It really stands out. With all that gray, I feel like the background is a little bright. I would suggest turning the opacity down on the background image to kinda soften it. I would also suggest doing the about me text in gray as well to make it stand out more. I also understand that people suggested turning things gray, but seeing the social media icons gray and not their usual colors feel really weird for me. I am also not sure I like the blue of the links at the bottom right, because it feels a little out of place with no other text being blue. I know it is the blue of a hyperlink, but it still seems a little weird in the design. If the header for that section was perhaps also that blue, maybe it would be less weird, but I'm not sure how I feel about it.

I really like what you have going on. Keep it up!


Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 2:20 pm
by JBobier
Good improvements! I really like the watercolor background. For me I would still like to see your name as a headline soiknow whose it is at a glance. That’s more my issue than it is with your design. Good Job!


Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 8:50 pm
by Tickosity
I really like the background it reminds me of one of my favorite artists, Lora Zombie. My one critique would be that in your mobile one the about me bar is very close to the social media icons.


Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 10:38 pm
by Instructor
Now THAT's what I'm talking about! This is exactly the potential I saw in this design during preliminary critique. Great job realizing it! That background watercolor is such a strong piece. I'm glad you pretty much got 90% of your content out of the way and let it do the talking. It looks so much better without those white boxes. The lack of color on any of your objects really lets the colors in your background painting shine. Your type is working great. I like the typefaces you chose and the little splash of visual interest provided by the script type. The social media blob in the upper left corner is even working well.

Your bodycopy is a little tough to read on your computer layout. I think you would be better served by making it gray like you did on your mobile layout. I think your bodycopy could use just a bit more leading as well. Your mobile bodycopy is a little crowded up to the top. I think it would look better with a bit more space between the page title, email, and paragraph. Your social media blob is a little close to your title on your mobile design too.
