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Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 7:24 pm
by Gr8K8
So here are my project 3 roughs. Mostly I focused on making it more visually interesting, while still being very straightforward and easy to navigate.
I also tried to keep the TMCC green a main part of the design. Personally, I prefer my first version.

Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 8:22 am
by lewlewland
I like the second option here with the background image, I think that it is more visually intriguing. It would be cool if you could some how use both the background image and the illustration. I would also change the color of the title to make it more bold because it kinda seems to get lost in that green.


Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 5:38 pm
by erino
I like the first design too, I like how you incorporated the table school supplies and desktop as a symbol of designing, plus the font of Graphic Arts goes with it!
I also like the 2 design with the background image, maybe somehow try to make the text on the left side all white color to be readable other than that cool designs!

Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 2:10 pm
by Andramada
i like both designs. they both feel like something that represents tmcc.
the first set of designs the type choice is very clean and readable in the body copy while being expressive and interesting in the headlines. there is a definite hierarchy in the organization and i can clearly see where every thing is at. the navigation is simple and interesting however the type face looks crowded or smooshed together.
the second design is my favorite for it is the most visually pleasing and interesting. the font choices balance well between the headlines and body copy. the body copy is clean and easy to read with the box behind it over the image. my only concern is for how the folder looking set up for the degrees and certificates. the fonts are huge and at this time i do notknow how you with render it.

Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 6:07 am
by John1612
I like the one with illustration like how simple it it is and how it flows. It makes it seem like the stuff that is going to be learned is fun and easy. The placement of every object seems to be in the right place. Thank you for the laugh I really enjoyed the poll.

Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 7:25 pm
by stars2night
I really like both, but I think I like the second one more. I think the fonts on that one win me over. I also like the left side navigation on some of them. I like the colors, but I think that the degrees and certificates title needs a stroke around the font, because the title gets lost in the white of the background.

I really like the first version due to the really neat gradient background. However, those dark green blue boxes are a little hard on the eyes. You may want to soften them up with either a better color or increasing opacity. I really really like what you did in both versions.

Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 7:55 am
by Instructor
Oooooh, more polling! Put me down for a "Definitely Me". I'm so tired I completely spaced giving you guys feedback on these until today! How bad is that?

I like your "first_version" better. Your other design is a little too monotone and blah. The "first_version" has some contrast to it which gives it some visual interest. I like the photographic backgrounds for each page. It adds visual interest and really expands on what your bodycopy says. Nice use of tabs as well. This is a perfect place for 'em and I like that you want to take the opportunity to cover that particular jQuery technique. Good use of transparency, too. Especially on the page title! It lets more of your background image in and let's it interact with your type in interesting ways. Good margin work on the whole thing. You've got plenty of room to breathe. Your navigation is well placed and easy to use.

No need to horizontally squish all of your type. You have plenty of width to let it stretch out and breathe. Right now it's all kind of claustrophobic. Also, a dd a little more leading to your bodycopy, it's kind of vertically mushed together and reads like it's in a hurry. You have room to spare, use it. I would also add a bit more contrast to your top bar. Right now, "Graphic Arts & Media Technology is getting lost in the green a little bit. Maybe use a different background image for each page, something that backs up the different topics covered by your pages.

Nice effort!

Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 8:36 pm
by z1claudia
Hi, the first design is pretty fun. I would like to see you use some more white in it though, just because it is an overwhelming amount of green.

Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 6:31 pm
by Unicorn_Service
I do give much praise to the warm lemon-green colored background that looks like some kind of alternative medicine page. The isometric graphic is dynamic and is a a great advertisement of the program.

I do however beseech that you consider a different font for that title. It looks like a middle school project made with WordArt.

I favor it much more than the not-so-bright photo background.