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My site

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:52 pm
by MadBroChadBro
It is pretty big, but I like it that way. The changes I made to website from critique are because I showed it to some people (Not graphic art students) and they all said they liked it this way. I am sure I will be making changes to it once my knowledge expands in this class. ... index.html

Re: My site

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:31 pm
by smith206
Your design looks great, good concept of the flowing colors down your site. There is just one problem. Nobody is going to be able to see it. I have 2 monitors that are 1900x1200 and when I spread my page across both of them I could barely see the entire page. I think if your site was half as large or even like a third as large it woul be much better and much more accessable to everyone. I think you just started with a much to large photoshop file and didnt realize what was going to happen. Otherwise I like the idea behind it and its a good site, its just massive.


Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:54 pm
by MadBroChadBro
It is pretty big, but I like it that way. The changes I made to website from critique are because I showed it to some people (Not graphic art students) and they all said they liked it this way. I am sure I will be making changes to it once my knowledge expands in this class. ... index.html

Re: project_1_charlie_lipon

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:23 am
by Lundholm
Your link doesn't seem to be working.

Re: project_1_charlie_lipon

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:30 pm
by brienicole
putting the GIANTness aside for now. There are a few other issues you may want to work out. Your body copy on your about me page needs some spaces within your paragraph. What are "some come links"? haha I bet that was also a mistake. and I think it would be cool if you moved your grc text to vertical along one of your paint colors. The thick black line is distracting with the text. But yes I love the pluto and that its YOU!~ this whole site is very charlie and I love that about it. It makes me smile.

Re: project_1_charlie_lipon

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:46 pm
by olddragon
Yes, the site is big. It gets a bit annoying to navigate and I am looking at in on the class monitors. I am not sure that is the most successful strategy.

Otherwise, it is a really fun website to look at. Love the colors! It would be a shame for people to turn away because they can’t navigate it on a small screen.

You could do some editing on your body copy.

Re: project_1_charlie_lipon

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:02 pm
by Lundholm
I concur. Nice site, would be nicer smaller. One thing I've learned over the years is not everyone likes using the up/down scrollbar. But it's excusable. Alot of people tend to hate using the left/right scrollbar.
Other than that, neat idea.

Re: project_1_charlie_lipon

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:23 pm
by Dave
great concept! after zooming out in my browser, i was able to see everything as i suppose you intended it. it would be really cool to have it really long and have the colors dripping for a ways into nothingness. the fonts and colors are VERY you. and who doesn't love pluto!?

Re: project_1_charlie_lipon

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:36 pm
by Ravana
So, I like the colors, I link the goofy, and I even like the Comic Sans ( strangely enough. But scroll vertically or horizontally... not both. Requiring two monitors is no bueno. Honestly, you wouldn't even have to do it much, in my opinion. Just a bit, and make the text fit in the space of the main graphic (so, make the main a bit smaller, and then shrink your text so it doesn't stick out over the sides). You can still take up a bunch of room, but you don't have to make it awkward to navigate your site. Sorry to harp on it, especially since you like it, but if I ran across a site like that in the wild, I would close the tab as quickly as I could out of sheer annoyance. I'm not trying to be harsh by the way, because if you shrink it, you even made me like Comic Sans... which I hate, so... yeah. Mostly, a pretty awesome job. :)

EDIT: Oh yeah, don't forget your <title>! ;)

Re: project_1_charlie_lipon

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:40 pm
by Vi_Vi
I have no problem with the site over if I were viewing it on the Mac, but on a window computer, it's a bit of work having to scroll bothing horizontally and vertically. Also, I don't think splitting your name on both side of goofy works really well...But what makes me actually scroll both ways and spend time on the site is because I wanted to see what's below or where the colors on the top is leading us to. It's a good way to capture the viewer's attention.