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Project Three Prelim Critique

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 12:11 pm
by itsdrrlcarden
So for Project Three I am redesigning the Winnemucca FFA Clubs website. I was a part of this club when i was in high school and I new their website was bad (
I used the blue and gold to represent the organizations colors.

Re: Project Three Prelim Critique

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 6:01 pm
by Abused Oreo
Both designs look great and do a good job of representing your site. The top design is the one I would stick with. Keeping just one image of the people and having that calendar work really well. The fonts and colors also look very good. The only thing bothering me is the alignment of the title. I would align the "E" in events with FFA and see if that works. Other than that it looks really good!

Re: Project Three Prelim Critique

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 5:15 pm
by trixiapanda
I like both concepts; I don't really have a problem with the fonts or the colors. I'll support you with whatever concept you chose to do! Great work!

Re: Project Three Prelim Critique

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 9:28 am
by katyroses
Hi there,
I like the colors on both and the images are nice! I think your first design has the best layout. I would just play around with the title layout a little more!

Re: Project Three Prelim Critique

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 1:43 pm
by NalaniN
Hi Darrell,

Nice designs! Using differently sized images allows for some interesting layouts, and I like how you incorporated the colors from the organization's seal. You might try using a more expressive typeface somewhere. Nice work!

Re: Project Three Prelim Critique

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 2:10 pm
by adriannageo
I actually really like the first one because more space is being used. I like the colors you chose too. I like the other ones too though. The images really stand out.

Re: Project Three Prelim Critique

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 4:40 pm
by Fear The Deer
I like your _02 set of layouts! I think the imagery helps communicate what the group does quickly, and the colors for the text/titles is good. On the mobile version of the events page, the yellow box with the months confuses me a bit- is it supposed to be links to each month? The wide amount of space between each line makes me think there's supposed to be something listed below each month there. I think if it's just meant to be those 3 months, the space between them could be reduced.

Re: Project Three Prelim Critique

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 5:19 pm
by Instructor
I like your "02" designs best I think. They use contrast well.

You've got a really clean design here, Darrell. My favorite thing about it is actually that inset main navigation menu. It's not something you see every day and it really works. Good work using the logo's colors in your design as well. It helps reinforce their branding and ties the whole design together. I was all set to hate the different height photos, but it works here and creates a little bit of visual interest. It makes the website feel like a scrap book. Speaking of photos, those are well chosen too. They reinforce what the website is about and effectively underling your content. Your simple sans-serif type works well too. Usually, serif types work better for agricultural stuff, but in this case it really works. I think it plays to the cleanliness and the geometry of the layout. It's like you've build a forward looking, cutting edge farming website here. An interesting juxtaposition here.

I'd shrink the logo in your top bar a little bit to improve it's bottom and top margin. Make sure there's even margin between your photos, too. Also, double check the type in your buttons on your mobile navigation, and make sure the fonts are all the same size. I also think some very light gradients and/or textures might add a bit of visual interest to the design, but only if they're very slight. You have a clean layout here and don't want to disturb it too badly.

Nice work!

Re: Project Three Prelim Critique

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:38 am
by cwalkerdesign
I like both designs. The colors you used as well as the imagery goes together pretty well. The content is also easily read
Good job

Re: Project Three Prelim Critique

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 3:12 pm
by Gr8K8
Hey Darrell,

Definitely improved redesigns! I love the colors you used!
And the image of the cow is adorable.

Between the two versions I like the 2nd version a little more. The layout feels more tightly organized to me and is a little more interesting to look at.
Excited to see how the final version will turn out!