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project 3 prelim

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 4:49 pm
by Fear The Deer
Howdy everyone! For my project, I chose to redesign I interned for the company that works on their PR and social media content, they focus on being organic and their farms quite a lot, so I wanted to design the site to feature their farms photography more prominently, as well as their official color palette of greens & white.

Thanks to everyone for your feedback!

Re: project 3 prelim

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 5:13 pm
by trixiapanda
I am IN LOVE with the first layout (web2_main)! I love the layout of the website, the fonts you used, and the colors you chose. The website is very eye-catching and aesthetic! Beautiful work!

Re: project 3 prelim

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 9:25 am
by katyroses
Hi there!
I really like your first layout as well! The photos you picked are eye-catching and the fonts go nicely with the design. The only thing I thought of is some of the body copy seems heavy. Maybe split it up into columns? Great designs though!

Re: project 3 prelim

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 5:33 pm
by Instructor
You've got a couple of strong candidates here, Jessica. I prefer your "web2" a little better because of how it handles contrast.

I also think it better integrates the logo as well. On this layout, the logo is part of the design, almost blended into it, but it's obvious what the logo is and where the logo is. Having the logo branch out and frame the navigation on both your computer and mobile layouts is a strong choice. Your imagery is another strong choice. It provides the bulk of the color for the design and does most of the heavy lifting describing the brand. I feel, just by looking at the images, that I know what this company is all about. Each image builds on that and pushes that narrative forward. The typography works really well too. I like the blending of sans-serif and serif typefaces. It's a neat blend of modern and traditional that works here. I also like the way you used a little bit of drop shadow and a bit more transparency to add a little extra visual interest. It's the perfect finishing touch to your design.

I'd recommend adding a little bit more leading on your bodycopy. It's kind of mushing together for me. Watch the top margin on your bodycopy on your mobile inner page. It's way too tight at the top. Same with the certification icons in the footer of your computer inner page. They're a bit too close to the bodycopy.

Great work!

Re: project 3 prelim

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:34 am
by cwalkerdesign
I honestly can’t chose between the 2 layouts. The colors you used are perfect for who you designed these pages for and the content is easily read
Good job

Re: project 3 prelim

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:55 pm
by Abused Oreo
Great work with both designs! You can go either way with this project. They both are very clean and simple and carries a strong message. It's hard to pick one because both layouts are very unique and could be used. Great work!

Re: project 3 prelim

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 3:16 pm
by Gr8K8

Both of the redesigns came out lovely. I love the fonts and images you used in both versions. They feel very light and earthy.
I really like the layouts of the 2nd design, however I feel like the company logo gets lost in the background a lot.
I think the first version does a better job with the contrast of colors, and the company logo is much easier to read!

Overall both designs are really nice to look at and easy to navigate through. Both have a really welcoming feel. Interested to see how the final design turns out!

Re: project 3 prelim

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 5:18 pm
by Brandon_P
Looking good on both designs. On mobile_1_about you could center the text in the box or move the left edge over, I think it might make the design look better.

Re: project 3 prelim

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 7:17 pm
by genesis_urena
Hello! Your versions # 2 are so good looking. The images you have chose for both, the mobile and the computer layouts are excellent. The lady smiling is so kiut, and the color is friendly. I like it a lot. Nice job.

Re: project 3 prelim

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 8:18 pm
by adriannageo
These are stunning! I like the first layouts more. They look so good and it's nice how balanced you made them.
I think for the mobile layout the font in the middle could be a bit bolder to be more seen on the photograph.