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Project 4 Preliminary-Katelyn Brooke

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 2:55 pm
by katyroses
Here are my project 4 ideas! Sorry, some of the mobile designs are fuzzy. I tried doing a typical website design that was straight forward. My other one is more creative, but organized!

Re: Project 4 Preliminary-Katelyn Brooke

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 12:30 pm
by itsdrrlcarden
I like the color of your designs, the work well together. Your font is working with the design, i would just work on line spacing, line length, and make sure you watch out for orphans and widows in the title and body copy. Overall, good start!

Re: Project 4 Preliminary-Katelyn Brooke

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:15 pm
by trixiapanda
I like both concepts, but I am leaning more towards the second concept--just because the layout is more clean. Watch out on using the "+" symbol because visitors may misunderstand the website as a medical/hospital website...

Re: Project 4 Preliminary-Katelyn Brooke

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:59 pm
by Abused Oreo
Both designs turned out really well! Im leaning towards the second one. Its clean and easy to read. The imagery is nice and colors work. Great work!

Re: Project 4 Preliminary-Katelyn Brooke

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:13 pm
by genesis_urena
Hello! Im likening best your fuzzy design. I think your colors are powerful and is more visualize interested. I also find unique the way you put your nav bar. Nice Job.

Re: Project 4 Preliminary-Katelyn Brooke

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 8:07 pm
by NalaniN
Hi Katelyn,

Nice work! The nav in the center and the old-fashioned feel of the red one is very different and interesting, but I think I prefer the yellow layout since it's less busy. I think you should also have some color in the mobile inner page.
Good job!

Re: Project 4 Preliminary-Katelyn Brooke

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 7:16 pm
by Instructor
You've got some really clean designs here, Katelyn.

I like your "design1"s the best. They have a very clear layout to them. I like the structure of white header, content/photo middle, and colored footer. The header and footer frame your page content well and guide the eye around your composition. The white, black, and yellow colorscheme really works too. It has great contrast and the yellow provides both visual interest and a way to highlight certain bits of content and guide the user's eye through the experience. Goo photo choices too. They illustrate an educational environment and the technologies students will be using in this program. Your typography is pretty strong too. I like the blend of serif and sans-serif typefaces. Usually, they get pretty clashy, but here it works.

Your imager appears vertically squished, especially on your inner page. I'd either crop the images or find images that better fit in your image areas. Heck, all the content looks a little squished. The inner page is a little dull. I think if you brought more of the contrast form the homepage into your inner page, it'd work a little better.

Nice work!

Re: Project 4 Preliminary-Katelyn Brooke

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 3:17 pm
by mack_schneider
Hello Katelyn, I really like the color scheme on your second design. It is structured and really spaced out well. I also like the imagery in your first design. If you brought in those to your second design, it could look really neat. Awesome work!

Re: Project 4 Preliminary-Katelyn Brooke

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 6:14 pm
by Brandon_P
I like your second design, colors are good and imagery works well with what designers do.

Re: Project 4 Preliminary-Katelyn Brooke

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 11:18 pm
by smartinez33
Hi! Both of the layout looks great, color scheme is perfect. Also the layouts is simple and organize.
Sandra Martinez