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Project 4 prelim roughs

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 12:10 am
by NalaniN
Hi Everyone,

Here are my roughs for project 4. Sorry there are so many, but I couldn't decide on only 2 layouts.

I think they all have a different way of portraying artistic expression. The layouts with different colors on home vs inner would have a different color for every page.

Please note that rough 5 desktop inner would be a horizontal scrollable window of art. I ran out of time so I didn't crop that last image to look like it's partially visible.

Anyway, let me know what you think, and help me decide which to do for the final!

Re: Project 4 prelim roughs

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:03 pm
by Abused Oreo
I really like how both of these turned out. I would stick with the first design. I like what you did with the pencils at the top. Its easy to read and navigate. Great work!

Re: Project 4 prelim roughs

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:33 pm
by trixiapanda
Both concepts are definitely clear with the "graphic arts" theme! But I have to say that I love the first concept more... It's very different and those color pencils are quite cool to look at! An idea that I have for your other links are to change the colors of those color pencils, that would be cool!!

Re: Project 4 prelim roughs

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:24 pm
by genesis_urena
Hello! Im liking your 01 rough the most. I think in both you created nice texture, but I like the most the color on the 01. Both look clean and organized. Its nice the way you decide to show real artwork over there.

Nice job.

Re: Project 4 prelim roughs

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 11:24 am
by katyroses
Hey there,
Oooh I really like the concept with the pencils! That is super creative! Even the colors work nicely together. You can probably make your title bigger, so it pops out!

Re: Project 4 prelim roughs

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 7:54 pm
by Instructor
Three designs?! You certainly have a graphic designer's desire to self-harm, Nalani.

Your "rough_1"s are the most interesting to me though. There are so many things that tickle my aesthetic sense here. What stands out to me first is the texture and not just the wood of the pencils and the construction paper background, but the slight shift in yellows to delineate the shift from content area to footer and the drop shadow that gives your pencils extra depth. Your pencils! Such a fun navigation choice and they make for a great divider between the header and footer. Your colors are extremely well-chosen, too. Yellow and blue work well together and here you use them to clearly separate content. Good contrast, too. Your type is good, as well. The sketch font really works in your header. Such a great sense of whimsy here.

I'd recommend using similar-sized and/or same aspect ratio icons for your gallery and watch your spacing in between them. While we're at it, watch your top and bottom margins on your gallery. Right now they're a little too close to the pencil and the footer.

Great job!

Re: Project 4 prelim roughs

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 2:37 pm
by itsdrrlcarden
I enjoy both concepts, but I do feel like your body copy is a bit large and take up a bit of space. Your imagery choices are good!

Re: Project 4 prelim roughs

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 2:58 pm
by mack_schneider
Nice work on both designs! I think the first design is more visually interesting looks easy to navigate with. Great work!

Re: Project 4 prelim roughs

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 6:55 pm
by Brandon_P
I like your first design, color sceme is great and it's clean and looks like it will be easy to navigate.

Re: Project 4 prelim roughs

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 8:59 pm
by adriannageo
Hi I really like all of your concepts but the rough 01 stands out more to me. I like how you made the pencils look more dimensional and it's really pleasing to look at.