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Project 04 Prelim

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 6:25 pm
by TheWalapus
Howdy y'all,

Here are my rough designs for project 4.

Re: Project 04 Prelim

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:05 pm
by Abused Oreo
I think you can go either way with your designs. They are both very clean and simple. I like the images you have in your designs as well. Great work!

Re: Project 04 Prelim

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:37 pm
by trixiapanda
I like both concepts, but I think the second one stood out to me the most. I am loving the collage concept, and the green and white theme made the whole layout feel more modern. The fonts are working well and the layout is very clean! And that ducky... in that Tesla... I swear to god--

Re: Project 04 Prelim

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:20 pm
by genesis_urena
Hello! I like your idea of including old/current projects for this one. Im liking best your second design with the duck. Just cause the shirt doesn't really tell me much about the program, while the duck is very artistic, futuristic. I also like the logo you have put over there. Nice job.

Re: Project 04 Prelim

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 11:25 am
by katyroses
Hey there,
I really like your second concept, with the collage! They are both simple and clean. Also, the typography is easy to read. Maybe you can play around with some color?

Re: Project 04 Prelim

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 3:38 pm
by adriannageo
The quote that you chose for the page really sums up graphic design and it's cool. I think I like the project 4 desktops the best. They're very clear and easy to read.

Re: Project 04 Prelim

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 7:11 pm
by NalaniN
Hi Ryan,

Very nice designs! I think both would work just fine. I like how you placed some angles in your images and backgrounds to add a bit of movement to the more static elements of the layouts. I also like the different and interesting "hamburger" menus that, due to their placement and simple look are still recognizable as a menu. On your c2 desktops I had to do a bit of searching for the menu, so if you choose to go forward with that layout you may just want to add more contrast there.
Good job!

Re: Project 04 Prelim

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 8:25 pm
by Instructor
Oh, God. More duck. Ryan, what have you done?!

I like your "c2"s best. They actually have less contrast than your "c1"s, but I like the layouts better. I feel like they're more creative and saying more to me. I especially like your collage homepage that looks simultaneously clean and like it's been clipped together from a couple of magazines. Your image choices are either horrifying or excellent which you use to great effect. Your type is strong as well. I like the way the light and heavy versions of your sans-serif interact. You've even managed to make TMCC's awful green look non-shitty. Bravo on that BTW. That's no mean feat.

I feel like it needs just a little more contrast on the home page. Maybe enlarging the "GAMT at TMCC" headline text so it's as big as your inner page "What We Do" headline. Also, your inner page seems super right heavy. I'd enlarge your photo a little toward the left and shrink the content area a little to the left so the content/image split occurs closer to the center of the page.

Nice work.

Re: Project 04 Prelim

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 7:04 pm
by Brandon_P
Both designs look good, for me, I would go with your first design. colors and the nave bar look good.

Re: Project 04 Prelim

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 11:30 pm
by smartinez33
Hi! Your layouts looks great. I do like the second more because it shows the images relate to the program.
Sandra Martinez