Project 4 Prelim

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Project 4 Prelim

Post by suiish »

Here's my preliminary for project four!
mobile inner page two
mobile inner page two
mobile inner page one
mobile inner page one
mobile home two
mobile home two
mobile home one
mobile home one
inner website page two
inner website page two
inner website page one
inner website page one
website home two
website home two
website home one
website home one
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Re: Project 4 Prelim

Post by Instructor »

You've got two designs that will be made or broken by your image selections. I don't see a huge difference between the two of them. In all, I slightly prefer your "1" designs.

Man, that TMCC green sure is ... well ... it sure is! I think you've done a pretty good job of salvaging it here. I like the contrast you've established here between the green, your reversed white type, and your black type. The best bit of it though is your super light gray background. It makes your image blocks pop. I like your home page as well. Nice use of symmetrical balance between the type and the main image. Good typography choice as well. It works with your design. Your navigation is easy to see and use. I actually find the big green top bar ... inoffensive? I'm not quite sure how you pulled that one off!

Be very careful with your image selections, they are critical on this design. I would take your image tiles from your browser gallery and use them on your phone gallery. Maybe a vertical version? I'm going to show you guys hamburger menus before the semester is done and I think that will help out the navigation on your mobile design. I'm also curious to see how your oval search bar works out.

Good effort!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 4 Prelim

Post by wilson_iii »

This looks like TMCC, well done! I think the 1's are better, personally. For your homepage, I think you could get away with making the photo the whole background. Good job!

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Re: Project 4 Prelim

Post by missStormy »

I like the structure of design 1, especially for the desktop gallery page. I do think adding another color to the design would help though, right now just having green is making it somewhat flat. I do like how simple and organized your designs are though.

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Re: Project 4 Prelim

Post by JamesC46 »

The links in the mobile navigation could be more spaced out to avoid misclicks, thanks for sharing.
James Chumpol

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Re: Project 4 Prelim

Post by SkellyboneJones »

I'm personally a big fan of the 'collage' style organization, but I feel like you could run into some real tough creative decisions if you do that, whereas the space left by the other design gives you flexibility on width/height of the art.
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