Project 4 prelim

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Project 4 prelim

Post by missStormy »

Hello Everyone!

I know I am very late in posting this, but here are my preliminary ideas. Design 1 is more abstract dealing with shapes and rough edges but it's not very neat. I'm leaning towards design 2 because it's more structured and organized.

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Re: Project 4 prelim

Post by wilson_iii »

I really like prelim 1 if you took some time and adjusted the geometric shapes, I think it could be better than prelim 2. But I understand why you're leaning towards 2. Good work! I am excited to see how your final draft turns out!

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Re: Project 4 prelim

Post by Instructor »

Three pro photos and a dude in a bar. \m/

Oooooh! I likes me some abstract design 1. Such great texture on that thing. So many levels to it. I love the construction-paper-mache look to it. And the pull quotes are in little circles. I love it! Great contrast, too. The paper-mache is light enough to have the text over the top of it so it keeps everything clean. Good use of contrast as well, it's dark and light in all the right places. Your navigation is super easy to see and use. The colored logo even looks alright against the gray, which is a small miracle. Good typography choices as well. It works well as bodycopy, headlines, and pull quotes.

I actually like your mobile design even better than your computer design for design 1. Maybe take your mobile design and just make a wider version of it for the computer? Make sure the text in your circular pull quotes is vertically and horizontally centered. On your computer home page, try flipping your paper-mache so it comes off the right edge of the browser window. Once you do that, I think you can pull the dark box from behind your bodycopy, make the bodycopy black and it will show nicely. Also, please steal the pile o' sticky notes backgrounds for the instructor bios on the Faculty (no extra "L" in it) page from your mobile version and use it on your computer version.

Nicely done, Stormy!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 4 prelim

Post by suiish »

Hi, I think your first design is really good! I like the second one as well, but the first design is more pleasing to the eye.
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Re: Project 4 prelim

Post by JamesC46 »

I think the navigation for design 1 can be thinned and the navigation links centered, otherwise I like your uses of imagery.
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Re: Project 4 prelim

Post by SkellyboneJones »

I enjoy the first design, but the second definitely feels more "graphic design" in a way that feels true to our program. I really like the visual style established.
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