Project 4 Preliminary Critique

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Project 4 Preliminary Critique

Post by wilson_iii »

This is my preliminary work for project 4. C/C welcome!

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary Critique

Post by Instructor »

Hm. I like your "1" designs best. As much as TMCC's green is just an awful color, I prefer their layout.

The overall layout is very clean. It makes good use of contrast without being excessively bold about it. The grays work especially well with the green and white. Good modifications of TMCC's colors there. I especially like the dropshadows used on the buttons and titles. They add a nice little bit of visual interest. I also like your introduction box, both it's subtly darker background color and the nice clean stroke around it. Good use of margins throughout the composition as well. Your navigation is easy to see and use. The typography is pretty good too. It works just about everywhere as titles and bodycopy.

I don't think you need to use a darker olive as an emphasis color. It looks like a shade of TMCC's seriously iffy green and doesn't really work. TMCC's green is dark enough for your purposes, I think. I seriously don't like the blue underlined links you have on the left of your computer layout. It makes the whole thing feel unfinished. I'd recommend making them some sort of button, or at least not blue underlined text. I think you can get away with the white TMCC logo in your top bar and continue the green all the way across the top. I also don't like the offset top left type you have on some of your buttons. If you're going to have a button, put the text bold and in the middle. I'd add just a little bit of extra X and Y to your button and headline dropshadow. Just make 'em a touch more obvious. I'm curious to see what the design looks like with some photos in it.

Good effort!
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary Critique

Post by missStormy »

Design 1 has a better layout, but I do like the color choice in design 2. I think if you keep the layout and switch the colors than your design will look great.

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary Critique

Post by JamesC46 »

I think your designs could benefit if you implemented imagery to make better use of the blank spaces.
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Re: Project 4 Preliminary Critique

Post by suiish »

I like your last design. It's easy on the eyes and has good organization of the various elements.
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Re: Project 4 Preliminary Critique

Post by SkellyboneJones »

The second design really looks and flows a lot more functionally, if you ask me. It does make the TMCC green look a little puke-ish by comparison though.
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