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Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 3:32 pm
by ItsAllisxn
Hello everyone!
My name is Allison and here are my project 1 preliminary critique concepts.


Rough 1: I really wanted to explore making basic shapes unique and deformed. I wanted it to feel "free-flowing" and slightly chaotic, yet having a clean feel to it. I felt the drop shadow added more depth to the composition. I'd like to eventually add a drop-down menu to the website for the projects.
Artboard 1.png
Artboard 2.png
Rough 2: I wanted to keep exploring different ideas to branch off of the first design. I continued to use the wavy lines along with drop shadows to create more depth. I feel that it works well with the two-thirds rule. I feel this design is very modern with almost having a futuristic feel to it.
Artboard 1 copy.png
Artboard 2 copy.png
I'm looking forward to hearing to hearing your feedback! Thank you :D

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 8:38 pm
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Allison,
These are both so cool but I really like Rough 1 over Rough 2. I think you made your elements work a lot better together on that one and have achieved a good sense of movement with your wavy lines and giving it that free flow but still structured feeling. The text is also better incorporated into it, on your second one it seems that you made sure to keep it to the white space on the side so that it's in a way that I feel like there is now a bit of a disconnect from the imagery to the text. But the first one I think has a great flow and incorporation of the text and imagery of the wavy lines and shapes. Plus, I really like the shade of purple that you used.

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:38 am
by Arisa
Hi Allison,
You made cool stuff! And I really like your Rough 2. I felt that the wavy lines offered unprecedented design possibilities. I think the design would look more nicer and futuristic if the text was seen a bit shorter.

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:12 pm
by kmohara5190
Hi Allison,

I enjoyed looking at both your designs, they are very well made! Overall I like your second design more because I feel like the text is easier to read. My eyes have an easier time following the blue text than they do the purple. I also think that the blue color invokes a sense of calm that makes looking at it more peaceful. While I like your second design more, your first design had more visual intrigue, which I think the second design is lacking in. Incorporating elements, like the dots from your first design, into your second design could make it more eye-catching.

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 6:12 pm
by estrellau
Hi Alison!!!
I like both they are very nice and do look like professional websites

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:22 pm
by Hamistani
Hello Allison,
I love your designs! However, I like your first design more because the design elements lead me to read the bio. I also enjoy the 3D look it has. All of the negative space is filled, but it also has the perfect amount of white space. I really enjoyed how you incorporated your logo into both designs. The second design is also very good, but I think there needs to be a bit more room for the text. Also, the phone version doesn't have an email to reach you at, so if you chose to do the blue, I would add the email somewhere in the phone layout. Overall, fantastic job! :D

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:07 pm
by Krueckl
Great layouts! It's difficult or me to choose which I like better because they are both so creative and nicely organized. I honestly like them both equally as much. They are clear and easy to read and the designs more your eye move to different parts of the layout. I think the only thing is that the computer layout for the purple design is a little bit busy so, possible make it a little less crowded. Maybe less dots? It's hard to say because it is still a nice layout. Great job!

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:34 pm
by kendall_the_mann
Hi Allison!

Your designs literally took my breath away, I can't even describe how much I love the effect of your drop shadows! I do think your second design, color wise, is much stronger than the purple, if only because it looks like the ocean and evokes such a strong emotion already! I also like that you have different shades of the blue in your type! However, I the layout of your first design, especially the computer version is perfection! I think if you found a way to combine the colors from the second and the design from the first it'd look even more amazing than it does now!

Awesome job, I can't wait to see your finished website : )

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 9:55 am
by Anayik
Hi Allison,

Ok, wow, I have no idea which I like better. These are super freaking cool! You're style seems pretty unique and I'm excited to see what else you come up with this seamster already.

Both layouts are extremely attention grabbing, so kudos there. I think I like the second one better (impressive gradients!!!). The colors just draw me in. They are soothing while holding a lot of interest and movement. Also, it looks a little more modern than your other one. It honestly looks like it could be a site for a motion graphics artist. Also, love your use of your logo as negative space. NICE!

I think my only suggestion is to try a slightly smaller text size for your body copy?...or maybe just a font that is a little lighter? you might not need it that large on a screen and that way you are giving even more attention to the shapes you've created

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 8:42 pm
by Olive
Hi Allison :)

I absolutely love your designs the use of drop shadows incorporated and how you incorporated it to create a depth really inspires me. Out of your two designs, the second one is my favorite I think it makes better use of the drop shadows, the shapes in your first design are nice but aren't as neat as the ones in the second. it Just has a better flow where my view is directed around the page easily.