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Project One Prelim

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:05 am
by mtvo
Hello, fellow colleagues.

I am inspired by simple composition that creates asymmetrical balance. My goal is to become a magazine, website, or video editor for Vogue or a culinary franchise like Bon Appetit hence why my design style is (hopefully) straightforward, effective, and aesthetic. I definitely want to hear your feedback so I can improve on the homepage...I think they have potential right now.


Thank you! :P

Re: Project One Prelim

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:06 pm
by dearangela
Hey Mai!

I really enjoy the gradient you are using, that is something I would like to play around with in my designs as well! I love your logo, it looks nice on the website displays but I think it is fading around with more on your second mobile interface, like the black mobile screen, your logo is white and so is the gradient right under it blends in too much and kind of looks like it's becoming apart of the background. I also think your header can be stronger, I think your name is a really nice typestyle already and maybe something contrasting to your simple one will make it very interesting to look at.
I think once you choose your image it will make everything extremely stronger, especially with how your composition is now would turn out awesome. For your websites, I really like the bubble objects you have, but I also like your second website format, maybe a slight combo of both? Whichever one you pick it will still depend on what image you choose, but it is going somewhere really nice great job!

Re: Project One Prelim

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 6:41 pm
by Krueckl
really nice layouts! I think they both look nice but I like the one with the dark background better because I am just personally more drawn to high contrast. I would say play with the gradients a little so that the text is a little more visible to the eye. Good job!

Re: Project One Prelim

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:55 pm
by kendall_the_mann
Hi Mai!

I really love the colors you used for both of your designs! I think its cool to use one color that pops with two more mute ones like you did with black and white. I think I like the black and pink one just a bit more than the white one, including the design aspect! I think maybe the only critique I could offer is work with the gradient since the text just gets a bit lost with it. Other than that these are incredible designs!

I can't wait to see how your final website turns out! : )

Re: Project One Prelim

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:40 pm
by Anayik
Hi Mai,

Nice, clean layouts. I'm really drawn to the dark one. I like your use of the gradient. The whole thing look really classy and I love the pop of pink. The only ting I would say is stay away from the font "papyrus" that you used for your navigation bar...its really pretty but in the design world has a bad reputation for being overused. Nice font choice for your name though by the way! elegant

Re: Project One Prelim

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:03 pm
by it's_crysta
Hi Mai,
I like how modern both of your designs are. The bubbles in the first one are fun but I think over all I like the second on the most. I like the black and pink together and how slick it looks. I would change how close you put the home/resource/project links to the edge and bring them in and maybe make the gradient go from a darker gray into black or get rid of it all together. I also really like your personal logo! Can;t wait to see your final design

Re: Project One Prelim

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 5:40 pm
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Mai,
I like both of your designs and how you effectively use simple shapes and color in them. I personally am kind of torn because I like the layout of the second design, but the monochromatic color scheme of the first. If you choose the first design with the purple color, I would suggest that you take the darkest purple and make it even darker and then bring it over more in the gradient so that it covers more of the text, making it more legible. While I like the drop shadow, I think with the colors that you are using, it should be a bit more subtle by bringing the opacity down even further (like you use in your second design) or if you like the intensity then bring it a little closer to the text. If you choose the second design I would suggest changing your Menu text (Home, Project, etc.) to be the same font as your name, it's too different from the other text and I don't think it's complimenting it very well. I do love the shade of pink that you chose to go with the black. You also did a better job of making sure that the black was a dominant color in the background so that the white text could really be seen over it.
These both are really good and I can't wait to see your final design :)

Re: Project One Prelim

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 8:20 pm
by ItsAllisxn
Hello Mai!

These are some really cool designs! They remind me of your business card, sleek with simple line work. It gives me a very professional feel. I absolutely love your personal logo. Out of the two, I think I'm leaning towards the black. The hierarchy on that one works well. I'm not too sure how I feel about the background gradient. I think either making that a solid color would work better, or using mesh gradients to make it non linear would work a lot better. I'm also not sure how I feel about the drop shadows on the tabs... I think it would look a lot better without. Your logo looks really good with the drop shadow though. I can't wait to see what your final looks like! :)

Re: Project One Prelim

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 2:51 pm
by Instructor
Don't forget to add a signature in your User Control Panel, mystery lady.

But seriously, I think I prefer your purple and magenta design, Mai. The black one feels too dark to me.

The purple one feels more inviting and less foreboding. I think it's the lack of black and round shapes throughout. I like your bubble background. It makes me smile. The purple and the magenta work surprisingly well together. I was expecting them to clash, but they don't. Your sans serif typeface gives the whole thing a clean, modern look that works very nicely. I especially like how your center aligned type arcs along the circle to the bottom right in your computer layout. And this coming from somebaody doesn't like centered bodycopy. Apparently this layout is about taking things Michael doesn't usually like and making them work. Nice! Your navigation is well placed and easy to see and use. I also like the use of the header as a framing element as well.

I'd recommend tightening up your leading on your mobile layout. Right now the type is fragmenting all over the place. I'm usually a fan of little extra bits of texture like your tagline drop shadow here, but I'm not sure if it's necessary here. Maybe try it with a drop shadow much closer to the tagline type or even without the drop shadow entirely and see how it looks. I'd also vertically center your navigational elements on your computer layout.

Nice work! "I aspire to stay inspired" is a great tagline.

Re: Project One Prelim

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 7:28 pm
by Mal-Festio
Hello Mai,

Both of your layouts great. I like how well you used two colors and gradients on both of them. I think in both of them, you should use a bit heavier weighted font because I think a thin font makes the text hard to read in front of the gradients. On the pink Mobile version, maybe reduce the distance of the drop shadow.