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Project 1 Prelim Critique

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:01 am
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi everyone,

Here are my preliminary roughs. I really like the look of a clean and simple look, which is why I tried to keep these almost as simple as possible. I found a color blue that I liked a couple years ago and wanted to use that on one of my concepts (rough 2), and the other's color scheme was picked from the image of roses that I found and really liked and use as the background image (rough 1).

Inspiration sites: ... V-or-VCard

Rough 1
Rough 2

Re: Project 1 Prelim Critique

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:18 pm
by kendall_the_mann
Hi Jacklyn!

I really love the color and layout of your first set of designs! I think the soft cream color is really pretty and the colors you chose for your type compliment it really well. I also love that you added your picture and some drop shadows to your second design though, and I think it'd be really cool if you worked those things into the first design!

Super cool designs, I can't wait to see your final website : )

Re: Project 1 Prelim Critique

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:20 pm
by Krueckl
Hi Jacklyn,

You made really nice layouts. I like the first one the best because I like the flowers and the colors you used. The only thing I would say is maybe try adding some kind of banner at the top. It would be cool if you could see more colors from the background just a tad more and make it a little less shadowy. Nice job!

Re: Project 1 Prelim Critique

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:31 pm
by IzzyB
Hi Jacklyn!

Both of your designs are really strong! I like how simple it is yet it gets the message across. The first one seems more personal while the second one makes me think I would see it on the UNR website. That being said, I would choose the first one. I agree with Krueckl about adding a banner or something to the top and make it less shadowy. I think using the mountain logo for TMCC without the name instead of the one you are using now would look better. It throws off the balance next to the "GRC 175" type, in all designs. The weight is uneven and I think having the wide logo hurts the design. I really like your choice of fonts in both layouts :D

Re: Project 1 Prelim Critique

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:20 pm
by it's_crysta
Hi Jacklyn,
I really love your first design with the flower background. It feel warm with the color that you chose and the way you did your name on it makes it stand out nicely. Your second one it also nice but I can't stop starring at the guy in the background of your picture, you look very nice though! Can't wait to see your final design.

Re: Project 1 Prelim Critique

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 9:59 am
by Anayik
Hi Jacklyn,

I really like your first concept, with the rose image. The colors are very soft and inviting. I would try making the grey overlay on the image more transparent. Right now it's hard to see the image itself and its a lovely background.

Re: Project 1 Prelim Critique

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 2:34 pm
by Olive
Hi Jacklyn :)

Both your designs are great and they both have a different layout which I think shows two different sides. Your second rough is the one I like the most because it has a more professional feel but I think experimenting with different colors is something you could try to make it stand out.

Re: Project 1 Prelim Critique

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 6:13 pm
by Instructor
Nicely done, Jacklyn. These are really good. I like your second design better. I'm just such a sucker for good contrast.

You know what I really like about the second design, though? The light ribbon texture you added in your blue column. Well, that and the fact that you're being photobombed in the picture that you chose. :lol: Anyway, back to the texture. It's subtle, but it's there and it adds a great bit of visual interest to what would be a clean simple layout. Your drop shadow behind the image does a good job of this as well. As mentioned previously, this thing makes superb use of contrast. The blue and the white work quite well together. Your navigation is easy to see and use and I like the placement of your buttons. Good use of type in the design too. Aside from your logo, I think you use one typeface with different weights and it really works. Keeps everything visually consistent, which is important with websites when a few seconds might make or break a user's experience.

Watch your margin on your class info in the bottom left of your computer version. It get's a little tight.

Great work.

Re: Project 1 Prelim Critique

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 10:17 am
by kmohara5190
Hi Jacklyn,
I love your first website design, it looks very clean and easy to navigate. The background image you chose is pretty, and I like how the text colors aren't white, but match the image's colors. The only thing I think you could change is lightening the background a little, just so that it's a little brighter and more visible. Good job!

Re: Project 1 Prelim Critique

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 7:22 pm
by Mal-Festio
Hey Jacklyn,

You have really good layouts. I really like the neutral color scheme in your first set, and I like how you arranged the elements and the contrast between blue and white in your second. I think how you positioned your image in your second makes me like this set the most. I think maybe make the buttons large and spaced enough where it aligns with the right edge of the body copy.