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Project 1 preliminary critique

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:28 pm
by sal_baraj
Hi everyone
For my designs I wanted something that was eye catching and interesting but that was clean and easy to get around. I wanted my backgrounds to be kind of busy but I did not want them to take away from the important information on the page. I am happy with the typefaces I used but I feel like they can use some more work or I might be able to find something better. I am pleased with both of my roughs but I feel like there is something missing in both.
websites that inspire me

Re: Project 1 preliminary critique

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:55 pm
by mtvo
Hey, Sal!

I love the choice of green. It's very representative of you! My favorite layout is the first two. The hand pic is very creative and cool especially with it laying over your name. I think the choice of fonts works very well together too. I like the cursive handwritten type your name is in. I think what's missing though is your own personal logo!

Re: Project 1 preliminary critique

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:15 pm
by dearangela
Hey Sal,

I really enjoy your first green designs with the hand. I love the typeface you used for your name; the white text on the green is very nice. I would try playing around with the position of your hand since it's a hard cut on the left and bottom, maybe putting it on the bottom left and making it bigger so it's not awkwardly cut?
I also like the choice of positions you chose to place your type at, but there is an empty space on the top right, maybe your logo can go there? Great job!

Re: Project 1 preliminary critique

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 8:30 pm
by kendall_the_mann
Hi Sal!

I love the green background design! It's super unique that you superimposed a color on top of a photograph and I think it works really well since it doesn't take away at all from the text and hand imagery on top of it! I think maybe the only advice is working on the hand placement a bit more. I do like that it overlaps your text a bit, but maybe if you muted it a bit it wouldn't detract as much from the type. Other than that small detail, this is awesome work!

I'm looking forward to seeing how your final website turns out : )

Re: Project 1 preliminary critique

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:36 pm
by Krueckl
You made some really cool layouts. I really like the greyish green one with the city background. There is a lot of depth and I like the sparkly star designs. I would try making more buttons and maybe trying to put some kind of boarder or something to draw the eye more to the main text. Looks great!

Re: Project 1 preliminary critique

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:54 pm
by IzzyB
Hi Sal,

I think the green design is your strongest one so I will focus on that one. I like the idea of a hand but I think the hand you chose is not the strongest. Maybe something reaching up and not cut off? Or maybe a drawing or line art of a hand rather than an actual picture. Though if you went with a picture of the hand, I would lower the opacity as you cannot read your name. I would also change your fonts as they are all the same. I do like the background, the shade of green you chose, and the font for your name :mrgreen:

Re: Project 1 preliminary critique

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 9:29 pm
by it's_crysta
Hi Sal,
Both designs are really good, I like how you made your background picture all green and how the hand lays over your name but the cropping of it does bother me a little. For the second one I would make a text box the shape of the building that it's over and put your type in that. Either way I think whichever one you pick will be a great choice

Re: Project 1 preliminary critique

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 8:59 am
by Anayik
Hi Sal,

I like both of your designs, like you said the typefaces you chose are nice choices. But I think my favorite is the second concept, with the grey city background. It looks more like a specific style that you're going for. The white of your typeface really pops on that one. I would just keep playing with the layout of the type, keep pushing it a bit further to see if you can find stronger and stronger compositions.

Re: Project 1 preliminary critique

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 7:18 pm
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Sal,
These are some cool designs and there are certain elements that I personally like from one but think it would look/work better in the other. I like your second design best but there are some things that I would change. First of all I don't think the stars(?) are necessary and if you really like them and would like to keep them then I would suggest making them more subtle because right now they are too prominent and are fighting your name for attention with how big and bright they are, and are covering the background image which I also think is really cool and want to see more of when it's not on the mobile view. I think it would be much better to do away with them and simply let your name stand alone, it's in such a cool style that I think is working very well. I like the first design typeface that is used for all the information and think that would also look good on the second design, for me that Old English/Blackletter style font is just not working with what you used for your name and the body text. If you try it and it doesn't look as good then I think you could find a display font in a serif style that would match well with the other fonts on the page and still have that eye catching element to get people to navigate through your site. I think you could even get away with centering your name more on the page as well as making it slightly bigger. I do like the more grayish tones over the green as your color scheme as well.

Re: Project 1 preliminary critique

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 7:38 am
by Hamistani
Hello Sal,
These look great! I really like the second one because it reminds me of ending credits to an old movie. I like the font of your name and the body text. I would change the font of the navigation bar because I feel like it looks a little bit out of place. Other than that small change, it looks really good! :D