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Preliminary roughs

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:15 pm
by Kelsey_Reynolds
For my website design I wanted to try making a website for my brand that i'm working on. I wanted to go for a pastel spacey design, because for the resin artwork i make to sell is in that sort of art style, and i want the website to reflect the kind of aesthetic that appeals to the audience that would be interested in the products i sell. I would say i was definitely inspired by these websites ... ney-range/
rough 1.jpg
rough 2.jpg
Artboard 1.jpg
Artboard 2.jpg

Re: Preliminary roughs

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:28 pm
by kendall_the_mann
Hi Kelsey!

I really like that you're making a charm website design! You're the first person I've seen to make a website for selling products instead of a personal art/design website so I think it's really unique! I definitely like the designs with the pink/orange gradient bar a bit more than the other two. I think this bar is a good idea for important announcements like sales or new products and stuff like that!

THese are really unique designs, I can't wait to see what your final website layout looks like : )

Re: Preliminary roughs

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:12 pm
by Krueckl
Hi Kelsey,

Nice layouts. I think I like the first one the best. I'm not quite sure what the banner on the second is supposed to be for. I would suggest adding the TMCC logo on there because I think it's supposed be on there. I'm not sure I have anything else I would change about this. It looks really nice!

Re: Preliminary roughs

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:45 pm
by Anayik
Hi Kelsey, way to go full brand! It definitely communicates. I love your color scheme, background, font choices and the bubbly look of your search bar. I think I like concept B because with that extra orange in there the look is even more magical somehow lol. I wonder if another color other than brown would aslo work for your text...although it honestly does work surprisingly well. It just feels kinda unexpected overall for your theme

Re: Preliminary roughs

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:19 pm
by IzzyB
Hi Kelsey!

I like your first designs, the ones without the banner. The space theme and the colors you have chosen compliment eachother. I also like the brown you chose, it reminds me of some yummy chocolate. :D The thing I would say is the color of the brand name. Or maybe it needs an effect, it seems to be missing something but I am not quite sure what it is. If you were to use the banner I would change the font and the color of it. It looks mushy and does not stand out against the other type, making it hard to read.

Re: Preliminary roughs

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:25 pm
by Olive
Hey Kelsey! :D

Your designs are so CUTE I adore the colors you used in both designs, the first design has the most potential in my opinion. the side banner is a really cool idea as well maybe you could add a side tab button to it as well? :?: Also the incorporation of a search bar is genius! :geek: I also never thought about making a shop website so that's inspirational as well. :D :D

Re: Preliminary roughs

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 10:30 am
by Kassandra
Hi Kelsey,

This is a fun whimsical layout! I love the colors you choose. I prefer your second website layout because your menu is not covering your products and the slide show bar is awesome! As for the mobile version, I like your first version of it. It's not super overwhelming as the second one with all the tiny boxes.

Re: Preliminary roughs

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:12 pm
by ItsAllisxn
Hi Kelsey!

These are some really cool and original designs! I really like your style and color choices. I'm not typically a huge fan of gradients, but I think it works really well in your designs! I think the brown works really well in your fonts. Personally, I really like the first one. It's a less crowded layout and it works well together. This is a very small detail that I noticed, but everything is round in your design except the tabs at the bottom where you have your product information and image placeholders. I think rounding those corners would continue with your theme. This is just a suggestion and I'm not sure if it would change anything, but I feel like the mountains in your background make your use of transparency a bit off, I'm not sure that the mountains are needed. But that's something to test out because I'm not 100% on it. Besides that, this is really cool and creative! Can't wait to see your final :)

Re: Preliminary roughs

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 5:13 pm
by Instructor
Hm. This project was intended to be a webpage about yourself to act as a central link to the websites you will build this semester. This one looks like a website you're building for a company. I think it might be more appropriate for Project Three. See if you can salvage it into something more biographically focussed. Right now this does not meet the Project requirements.

That being said, I like your first design better. I think it uses transparency really well to add a lot of visual interest. The winter wonderland/frosting splatter background is a great pattern that has some nice complexity without overwhelming your content. Your navigation is large (perhaps a little too large) and easy to see and use. Your colors work well together. The blue, the purple, and the brown are pretty darn harmonious. Plus the brown reminds me of chocolate and any candy website that reminds me of chocolate is a winner in my book. Your product area is well placed and has good areas to show your products off. Your fonts are well chosen and work nicely for your needs.

However, the navigation is far and away the most visually dominant element on the design. Reduce it by about half and see how that looks. Also, this design has nothing to do with the Project. I would like to see what you might do with the Project parameters.

Nice effort! It's got nothing to do with this project, but I see you're putting in some thought on it. Now let's see what you can do for a website that advertises you instead of a candy company.

Re: Preliminary roughs

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 9:13 pm
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Kelsey,
You have a great theme going with the colors and use of transparency over a cool background. I really like the first design idea and would take that one to turn into a more personal site than for a company as you have it now. I also like how you put your menu items on the side like a big tab button, but I do think it is a little too big as it is now, however, when everything becomes ready for the internet and is working as an actual website I think it would be cool to try to make it shrink and grow as something like a hover effect.