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Project 1 final roughs

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:23 pm
by estrellau
Hello friends here is my final design I chose the pink one because the neon one caused me troubles with the fonts and the images while trying to edit. But I like this design a lot I think it completes the requirements because it is easy to interact with not complicated. I chose to design this way because I think it reflects me a little I like cutesy things even if my appearance doesn't show it lol.
2 websites that I like and wish my website would be like are
I like how they are minimalist and easy to get around and also are straight forward for what their website is for.

Re: Project 1 final roughs

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 6:26 pm
by Instructor
Hah! You chose the PINK one. I can feel my blood sugar spiking just looking at it.

It's got this retro game LiveJournal feel to it that really works. Or maybe that Instagram bedroom I talked about in the preliminary critique. I think the boba tea icon is my fave. I'm glad you ditched the paperclip font. Your pixel and sticky note fonts work so much better. Your typography skews more readable than legible (correctly so, given your design), but I don't have all that much trouble reading it, actually. All the good points that I highlighted in my preliminary critique are still here. Your design reminds me of a layer cake, with each layer calling out a new section. Really helps with the hierarchy. I like your icon based navigation as well. Blends into your design without getting lost. I really like the changing characters based on screen resolution bit. It adds another layer of visual interest without breaking the brand too much. Kyubey is, as always, disquietingly adorable. you've got this "cute villain" thing going with your characters. Are you trying to tell us something, Estrella? ;)

You've fixed pretty much everything that was wrong with it since preliminary critique. My only nitpick is aesthetic. I don't especially care for the little pink box behind your logo. I think it'd look better if the logo just let the background color show through.

Good work, Estrella. You've designed internet cotton candy.

Re: Project 1 final roughs

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:47 pm
by Anayik
Hi Estrella,

So many cute details to look at. Like the pink TMCC logo, the little strawberry milk carton, the little pattern running along the top. Oh! and the taped on "GRC"...very clever. The layout works well, its easy to understand and pleasing to the eye. well done!

Re: Project 1 final roughs

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:14 am
by gavin_clouser
Hi Estrella, I can tell you like anime. It's definitely what you were trying to accomplish. I also don't think its a bad site. I look forward to seeing your final design.

Re: Project 1 final roughs

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:28 am
by Kassandra
Hi Estrella,
This reminds me of a strawberry milkshake! Everything looks so clean, a great choice for the little icons in front of the projects and references. This really turned out great and can't wait to see it published. Great job!

Re: Project 1 final roughs

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 1:11 pm
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Estrella,

This is such a cute design yet it is still clean and easy to read and navigate. The retro Pokémon details are great as well, even with your theme of pink all the way around. This came out great!

Re: Project 1 final roughs

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:11 pm
by Hamistani
Hello Estrella,
This looks really good! I stick with what I said during the preliminary, where the theme looks like an older video game that I used to play. The fonts go great together, and the different shades of pink go well together. For the mobile version, I would change the main image because it looks a bit blurry. Other than that, it looks great! :D

Re: Project 1 final roughs

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 4:29 pm
by ItsAllisxn
Hi Estrella!

This is so cute!! All of your elements are working so well together. Every time I look at it I just wanna play Stardew Valley. Your font choices work great with your design. My only suggestion is keeping the pattern with your strawberries going o > o > o > o instead of o > o o > o, just cause it isn't symmetrical. I'm really really excited to see this website published! Great work :)

Re: Project 1 final roughs

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:39 pm
by Krueckl
Hi Estrella,
Your layout looks good. I know that the body copy matches the rest of the font but for some reason I find it a touch harder to read than the rest of the text. I love the way everything is laid out and is well organized. The theme works great with the colors you used and the characters are so expressive. Nice job.

Re: Project 1 final roughs

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 9:39 pm
by Mal-Festio
Hello Estrella,

Glad you went with this layout. You did an excellent job matching the style similar to earlier pokemon menus with you own style added to it. For some reason, I can just imagine the character/pokemon switch places other in a fading transition.