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Final Homepages :)

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 10:41 pm
by mtvo
Hello, everyone!

My name is Mai and most people call me by my full name, Mai Vo.

Since the preliminary critique, I've changed a lot and made some additions. Instead of using a black and white gradient with a pink accent (which was very simple and sleek), I switched to a dark navy gradient with a light pink accent to create a more inviting, calm, and professional theme. I played around with different textures too and decided to add an ocean ripple effect on the navy background. I also added a photo of the moon I took a while back to add ambiance. Not to mention, the speckles of white stars to bring the page to life.

The websites I've provided below inspired me to create a parallel between my love for the universe while designing my homepage.

1. ... you/25798/

Re: Final Homepages :)

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 7:41 pm
by Instructor
Oh look at that! A space theme.

You've got a really interesting design idea going here, Mai. I like how your background ends before the edges of your display window. It makes your background image look like a printout. A very interesting design choice. Between that and all your drop shadows, it looks like it's been hand crafted out of printouts and construction paper. An interesting look. I do like your background image selection, too. The starfield adds a lot of visual texture. You've even got a baby moon in there! I like that the moon is gently glowing. Your type is easy to read and I especially like the extra leading on your mobile layout. The left alignment is good as well. Nice font selection. It goes with the kind of "childhood pretend space exploration" vibe you've got going on here. Goes well with your logo too.

I'm not sure what I think of your navigation changing sides between your mobile and computer versions. Your navigation buttons are too far apart on your mobile design. They're losing cohesion. I much prefer the spacing of your buttons on your computer version. I don't care for the centered bodycopy on your computer version the left aligned text with the extra leading on your mobile version looks much better. I also prefer the pink and white stripes on your mobile version to the all pink stripes on your computer version.

Good effort! Don't forget to add a signature on the forum for your posts. It's accessible in the control panel.

Re: Final Homepages :)

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:59 pm
by Anayik
Hi Mai Vo,
I love your background with the stars and your color scheme. You're right it looks very professional but still warm and inviting. I love your logo, your top bar, and especially the words "designer, solver, optimist"...I think its a unique idea and makes you stand out. My eye does, however, get distracted by how far apart your nav buttons on the right hand side are, they look a little like they're floating apart. I wonder too if the margins on the left and right side could be bigger, to give your whole design more cushion. Way to take it to another level with your final design!

Re: Final Homepages :)

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 2:01 am
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Mai Vo,
I really like the theme that you have going on here. I really like that image with the stars and moon and wish that it could be seen more in your computer layout like it can be seen in your mobile. I do agree with Michael that there is a bit of a disconnect from your computer to mobile layouts with the slight differences and would try to either stick with one or the other, I personally like everything going on in the mobile. Other than that, this is looking awesome!

Re: Final Homepages :)

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:06 am
by gavin_clouser
The gradient kind of makes your typography hard to read. Maybe put the white side of the gradient on the right side instead of the left. also, try to see what the type looks like without a drop shadow.

Re: Final Homepages :)

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:05 pm
by Kassandra
Hi Mai,
Ohhh! I'm loving your colors and gradient in your design. It's all clean and great layout. The only thing I recommend is getting rid of the pink stroke and just making the font color pink for your web layout.

Re: Final Homepages :)

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:25 pm
by Hamistani
Hello Mai Vo,
I really like the colors and fonts of this design! I love the star/space theme you have. It looks very professional. I do have to say that I like to mobile version better. I feel like the mobile version is easy to read, and I am able to see the stars more than your computer version. Maybe you can dim down the gradient theme in the computer version. I also agree with Micheal where your navigation buttons are too far apart on the mobile version. I am very excited to see this when you make it a website! :D

Re: Final Homepages :)

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:02 pm
by it's_crysta
I really like your night sky background, the dark navy blue and pink work nice together. I do think your web page would look better with just the sky background without the gradient. Looks good!

Re: Final Homepages :)

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:13 pm
by Mal-Festio
Hello Mai,

I didn't expect you'll be adding a starry texture in place of your dark background but I'm glad you did. It really goes nicely with the rest of you design and doesn't distract from the body text. I think you should match the same style you did with your mobile version to the computer.

Re: Final Homepages :)

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 10:32 am
by ItsAllisxn
Hi Mai!

This is such an upgrade from your preliminary critique and it's looking great! The pink and white work really well with your darker background, and I love the little specks of stars you added, it really gives your design some character and personality. I think the moon hiding in the background is super cool. And I think I've said this a couple times before, but I love your personal logo so much. Something I noticed that might be worth changing is taking your gradient for the web version and integrating it into your web version, because the web version goes into the white which somewhat takes away from the darker theme. Also the "GRC 175" text is a bit hard to see, so maybe matching that pink with the above line would work better, or just making it white. I'm super excited to see your published website! Great work Mai :)