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Project 01 Final

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:32 pm
by cpeter2
Hello, everyone hope you all are doing well. Since my first preliminary critique was a bit late i didn't have much time to make too many changes. However with the Straight forwardness of the designs that i went for only a small amount of tweaking was needed to perfect them into a good design. The White and black theme with a few accents of color adds a nice variation in palette. The first page will have some photos that i intend to cycle every now and then so the main page does not get stagnate and there is always something new to look at for the viewer.

Below are a few Websites that i found helpful is seeing how to arrange my layout and what aesthetics i found pleasing.

I found the way that Sam had his website structured is the main thing i am going for with this design. The primary colors used are white and lack with the only accents of color coming form the artwork that they have created. This was one of the major influences for how i set up the layout for my own website.

The Colors and layout that R▲uses in their work are a bit darker than what i want to try to convey for my starting page right now. I can appreciate the aesthetics and futuristic designs that he uses in the layout of his website. I tried to do a similar vibe of futurism but a bit cleaner in the design of my website.

The Design that Marvin Leuvrey used for his website was very interesting. The way the Overview page is set up is similar to what i was trying to go for with my design but in a more straight forward manor. In the future i may look into working with this kind of effect for my home page as well.

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 8:03 pm
by Instructor
Oh neat! This one looks a bit like a hand made art gallery website.

What a clean design. I like the clear delineation between artwork area and text and navigation area. Your overall layout is very clean and easy to read. I like the use of contrast throughout and how the eye is drawn to the artwork display area at the bottom. Your use of whitespace is very good. The whole website feels like a breath of fresh air. Nice choice on your font for the logo and navigation. It's clear and easy to read, but has a fun handmade quality to it. Your bodycopy and title text is similarly easy to read and makes a great contrast to the ultra thick (perhaps even thicc) navigation type. The arrow to encourage scrolling down is a nice touch too.

The only real issue I have with it is I think your title, bodycopy, and class info are a little mashed together. A little bit of extra paragraph spacing would have done wonders for your hierarchy and made everything a little more legible.

Nicely done, Carl! I like your idea with this one.

Don't forget to add a forum signature for yourself so I can credit you properly for your student feedback.

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 1:03 pm
by Anayik
Hi Carl,

Super clean and visually interesting layouts! That's a cool idea to switch out the imagery periodically, maybe one day you can put some of your own video clips in there on loop.

I also really like your logo and the typeface you chose for your nav bar. The color scheme is spot on too, and unique. Maybe give your nav bar a little more space from that top edge though, it feels a little cramped in there.

Well done!

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 1:42 am
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Carl,
This came out really great, a clean and simple design is always my fave. I love your navigation with the thicker type and your logo is very cool. I would suggest that before we begin coding these and making them live sites, is that you make your logo more in line with the navigation. Right now it seems to be sitting a little above it and if that is where you want it, then I would suggest putting even more white space. I also think that the body copy is a little close together from one paragraph to the next, but in addition to spacing it out I would suggest getting another weight in there. I think it all mashes together even more because everything in those few lines are all the same weight. Other than those small changes, this looks great!

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:12 am
by gavin_clouser
Hi Carl, I think you should make your body copy a little more bulk. The navigation sucks the attention away from the body copy and headline.

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:41 am
by Kassandra
Hi Carl,
I'm digging this design. I love how you used the white space and added blocks of different patterns/designs. It's easy to navigate and great font choices. Can't wait to see it published :).

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:46 pm
by Hamistani
Hello Carl,
I thought of what Micheal thought of. This definitely looks like a website you'd see for a gallery. This is a very clean design, and I love the look of it! The bolder font and the font for your body copy, colors, and layout work very well together. I think I would change the font for your name to something a bit bolder because the first thing I see is the navigation buttons. Overall, great job! :D

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:21 pm
by it's_crysta
Barely seeing the tops of two other works at the bottom of your web page really makes me want to scroll down so I can look at them! But I guess i'll just have to wait to see the published version. It looks really good. Great work!

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 10:23 am
by ItsAllisxn
Hi Carl!

This is so cool and different, I love it. The image you have on the left gives off some constructivism vibes and I dig it. I said this in the preliminary critique I think, but your personal logo is so unique and really catches my eye. The first thing I noticed was your tabs, when it should more focused on your name. I suggest switching the fonts for your name and your tabs, and I think it'd fix that easily. Besides that, I don't really have much else to comment on. Great work Carl!

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 12:02 pm
by IzzyB
Hi Carl,

I like how hand-made this design looks and how illustrating they are. I think that the typeface is a little muddied and it makes it a little hard to read. But I like this more than the other design and it feels more personal :)