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Project 01 Final!

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 2:03 pm
by Anayik
Hey everybody, here are my project 01 final layouts

They're actually pretty different from my preliminary layouts. I decided against a gridded portfolio-esque layout and just went for a landing page instead, as I was inspired by all of yours.

My informational links are:

Both of these sites will probably remain constant reference points for me throughout the semester. The first one especially because it has a key that defines all the tags for html...which I really need until I manage to memorize (wtf???) this new language. The second one hosts some good articles, it's like a library for web designers, and has a "beginners guide to html" manual. Also gonna be a non-negotiable throughout the semester I imagine.

Anyways, heres my new layouts...was going for a collaged look with lots of white space. Still kept the same typeface for my name from my prelims. Enjoy!

Re: Project 01 Final!

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 2:32 pm
by Krueckl
Hi Kiana,
I love your design. Your message speaks across in the images you used. It looks rustic and is also very creative. I can't say there is anything I would change about it. It is clear and easy to read with all the elements required for the assignment. Nice work!

Re: Project 01 Final!

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:20 pm
by estrellau
Hi Kiana,
wow this is amazing it looks very poetry to me and I like this.
I like how you varied the weight and style of the type very interesting.

Re: Project 01 Final!

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:30 pm
by Instructor
Oh wow! Such fantastic use of texture here.

This is a complete departure from your preliminary designs, but a worthwhile one in my opinion. It's so lush with texture and I don't just mean your fantastic (in all meanings of the term) background image. Lets start with that background image. What a highlight of digital mixed media. It has a surrealist quality that immediately draws a user down the rabbit hole of your creativity. Everywhere I look on it I find some great texture or detail. The birds do a great job of moving the eye through the composition, in two different directions between your mobile and your computer layout. Now let's address that type of yours. Usually I'm not a fan of varying type sizes, weights, italicizations, and fonts in a single paragraph like you do here, but somehow it works. Your bodycopy looks like a book of poetry and adds to the texture created by your background image. And yet, I have not trouble reading it. It retains it's legibility largely because it's derived from one sans-serif typeface. Even the type in your logo adds texture! For all that, both layouts have a clear structure and my eye has no trouble going through them and getting whatever info I need.

One little bit of texture I thought would look cool was if the last birds wing on your computer version and the branch on your phone version overlapped the text rather than being behind it. Other than that, I see little wrong here.

This is great! Feel free to show this one off. It's some of the best work I've seen on this project. I'm continually floored by the quality of work I see in this class.

Re: Project 01 Final!

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:28 am
by gavin_clouser
The background picture is a really cool element you added. The body type is hard for me to read and maybe it's too long for a website. Making it more condensed could make it easier to read.

Re: Project 01 Final!

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:07 am
by Kassandra
Hi Kiana,
WOW!! I'm really loving the elements in your design. Everything is working great together. The only suggestion would be making references the same as projects (typography-wise). Other than that, this is a great web design! Can't wait to see it published :)

Re: Project 01 Final!

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:52 pm
by Hamistani
THIS LOOKS SO GOOD! I love everything about this design. I love the body copy, the burned old paper, and the birds flying across the screen. This flows so nicely and looks great on both the mobile and computer versions. I wouldn't change a thing, great job! :D

Re: Project 01 Final!

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 1:36 am
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Kiana,
This is so different from your prelim designs, but it's a great design and I'm like the changes. I love the burning page that allows for a cool and smooth transition from the imagery to a solid color for your text so that it is legible and everything is working so well together. I also really like that you took certain words and made them stand out with the use of different sizes and weights with the font family that you chose. I love how those birds fly across the page :D

Re: Project 01 Final!

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 1:07 pm
by sal_baraj
Hi Kiana,
WOW! This webpage is amazing, I love the imagery you used. The burnt paper is what really does it for me, great job!

Re: Project 01 Final!

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 2:01 pm
by dearangela
Hey Kiana,

This is extremely fun and intriguing to read through, I love the white backdrop and your choice of a "backward" movement, besides from left to right it's right to left for your website layout, and is flipped on your mobile, so interesting. I think your name could be a bit bigger but other than that awesome job.