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Project 1 Final - We did it!

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 7:12 pm
by aka_fefi
Hi all,

Here's my final project 1! I honestly didn't change very much, I was pretty happy with the way the prelim turned out so I didn't want to fiddle with it too much and lose my original idea of the design. I got rid of the outer glow on the "I'm Stephanie" and then adjusted the margins on the body copy. Overall, I'm super happy with my designs and think they look pretty darn good!

My two inspirational websites are: ... 84b384dba6

Re: Project 1 Final - We did it!

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:29 pm
by Instructor
We DID! We made it.

So you selected the geometric Nevada design, eh? Well done. Looks great, especially with your tweaks to it. I'm glad you didn't mess with the Nevada photo. That was the strongest part of your design and you wisely didn't mess with it. That photo is so strong. It immediately grounds the design in a locality and provides an immediate visual attractant. It also provides the color scheme for the website. I like the way those colors are reflected in the site's colors. The navigation is easy to see and use and the whitespace for your content area provides a nice contrast with the rest of your design. It's like a little breath of fresh air in all the color and naturally attracts the eye. The placement of everything in this design is spot on. I really like your type choices as well. The sans-serif type adds a bit of softness to the hard edged geometric layout and your cursive accent type provides a great contrast and a sense of fun to the whole thing.

I think your content area would have looked a little cleaner if your bodycopy and "i'm stephanie" would have had the same left edge alignment as your "HI" and class info. Your bodycopy is a little tight with your Nevada on your mobile version.

Really good work! Be proud of what you've done. This is a good one.

Re: Project 1 Final - We did it!

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 4:56 pm
by Krueckl
Very nice layout. It is professional looking and is a great highlight of Reno as your home. I also like the colors used. The white background gives lots of breathing room and is refreshing to look at. Great job!

Re: Project 1 Final - We did it!

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:36 am
by gavin_clouser
I think this is a great design. It's easy to read and I love the hierarchy. I would try a different color combination though. Something seems off in the color scheme.

Re: Project 1 Final - We did it!

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 10:56 am
by Kassandra
Hi Stephanie,
I love the color choices you went with for your design. I love the simple, clean, and easily navigable layout of your design. Great job!

Re: Project 1 Final - We did it!

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:25 pm
by Hamistani
Hello Stephanie,
As I said in the preliminary critiques, this looks great! I love the colors and fonts you used in this. I also love how on the mobile version, the picture with the top bar makes the shape of Nevada, very clever. I would capitalize the first letters of the navigation button, and I would line the "Hi" up with the body text/"I'm Stephanie." Great job, I'm looking forward to seeing this as a website! :D

Re: Project 1 Final - We did it!

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:12 pm
by Anayik
Hi Stephanie,

This design is very eye pleasing, and your photo of downtown is powerful. I especially like how the triangle on the bottom corner that hold your body makes your audience feel like they are peeking over an edge or something. I still think you could give yourself more of a margin on the left side, but outside of that very nice job!

Re: Project 1 Final - We did it!

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:48 pm
by Mal-Festio
Hello Stephanie,

You have a nice and pleasing design. Every is easily readable and the color choices are great. Just a nitpick, I feel "project 2" is not centered but overall you have professional looking site.

Re: Project 1 Final - We did it!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:42 am
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Stephanie,
This came out great and I'm glad you didn't make too many changes as well. I love your color scheme and the image you chose of downtown Reno. I like your choice of getting rid of the initial glow effect on your name, it looks so much better without and now stands out but also matches the look and feel of the design. Great job!

Re: Project 1 Final - We did it!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 10:03 am
by ItsAllisxn
Hey Stephanie!

This is definitely one of my favorite color palettes. The "Hi" in that nice pink is the first thing that draws me in and gives me an incentive to keep reading which is awesome. I love the type you've picked as well, the round font choices really compliment your layout nicely. The triangle with the picture of Reno works great together and ties in this design. This website would look so dope with the parallax effect when we do a bit more of that later on in the semester. I don't have much to say about changing this design, except maybe instead of using the TMCC logo you've picked, maybe the more condensed square one would work better? Great work Stephanie! I'm super excited to see your published website :)