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Project 1 final

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 10:42 pm
by Redbird92
Hello Everyone!
So here is my final design for the mobile and desktop wesites. I did not change much other than moving some things around and cleaning up my desktop version because I felt it was easy to navigate, simple and was personal to me. I changed my better of the mobile design to better match the layout for the desktop version. Since doing that they both look good and have a similar feel.

Here are the links that inspired me and help me create the design. ... a-website/

Re: Project 1 final

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:57 pm
by Instructor
I really, really, really want to hate your Papyrus here, but some how you've made it work. You madman, you made it work!

I really like how you've brought your mobile and computer designs together now. They were so disparate before. And you ditched the comic sans which has improved your mobile design a solid 87.22%. And somehow you figured out how to make Papyrus work (a small miracle). I think it's the Native American artwork on your computer version. He sells it. It's his contemplation, I'd say. I also like the distressed pattern as a separator between the image area and your text. Your color choices continue to work well together and I'm glad to see them reflected on the mobile version. I also like how your header and footer act as a great framing device for content. Another bit that I'm plased to see on both versions.

The top button on your mobile version needed a bit of top margin between it and your photograph. Your bodycopy on the mobile version could also use a little margin between it and the footer. I don't think your search magnifying glass needed the white background behind it on your mobile version. Your bodycopy on both versions is still a little bold.

Good effort! Excellent improvement. I like what I see here.

Re: Project 1 final

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 10:00 am
by gavin_clouser
hello. Your website is very bright and expressive. I think you need to make the body copy less expressive and more readable. It's a little small as well. Overall great work.

Re: Project 1 final

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 10:10 am
by Kassandra
Hi Sequoia,
This turned out great! I love the color palette you choose and the photos as well. It's easy to navigate :). Great work!

Re: Project 1 final

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:20 pm
by Hamistani
Hello Sequoia,
This looks very nice! The colors compliment the image very well. The margin space looks good and the fonts go well together. I like what you've done with the mobile version because it goes along with the computer layout. For the computer version, I noticed that the gray backdrop you put behind the TMCC logo doesn't line up with the red line, so I would line those up. For the mobile version, I would put the email information in the same font as the "GRC 175..." and line it up with the end of the "GRC 175...". I would also put some margin between project one and the image. Lastly, I would get rid of the backdrop behind the search icon. Overall. great job! :D

Re: Project 1 final

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 1:16 pm
by sal_baraj
Hello Sequoia,
The color choice is really nice and just the color alone gives me an idea of your culture and upbringing. The imagery is minimal but it is loud and straight forward, my only suggestion is playing with sizing, some text is a little too big but other than that great job dude.

Re: Project 1 final

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 1:52 pm
by dearangela
Hey Sequoia,

I love the contrast in your designs here, the colors are nicely saturated and make this really unique. I think your name in your website layout is getting a little lost, maybe making it bigger than your project point size or making it white? Whatever choice I think I'd like to see your name when I hop on your website! Really nice job.

Re: Project 1 final

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:40 pm
by it's_crysta
I like how both you web and mobile version slightly differ from each other and aren't 100% the same layout. The same basic idea and structure is the same fore both of them so they're still cohesive. Great job!

Re: Project 1 final

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:48 pm
by Anayik
Hi Redbird,

Im so happy you decided on this color scheme!! you did a nice job choosing and framing your imagery here too. Somehow the boldness of the color scheme don't compete with the photos. They just compliment each other.

The fact that your letters hang off your buttons would normally bother my eye, but I think you did it on purpose here and it actually works quite well. Good job!!

Re: Project 1 final

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 11:40 pm
by Mal-Festio
Hello Sequoia,

Great in choosing this style for both of your mobile and computer layouts. The colors you chose were very expressive and is an excellent juxtaposition to your black and white photograph in your desktop. The body text does feel bold so maybe consider using a lighter weight font. The projects in your desktop is also hard to read. Maybe use a backdrop like you did on your mobile and on both backdrops it should end with triangles so it matches with patterned stripes.