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Preliminary Critique 03

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 6:19 pm
by ItsAllisxn
Original website:

Hello all,

For project 3, I decided to redesign a small family business located in Pennsylvania. I did my best to incorporate elements found in the original website into the redesign. For example, I took the current logo from their Facebook and traced it, as well as adding some new type that was similar to their old. I also incorporated the yellowish/tan theme. Finding images for this restaurant was pretty hard considering that it's in a pretty rural area, but luckily I was able to find some from Yelp and other reviewing sources. I wanted the images to feel cohesive and have a cooler color to compliment the bright orange, so I took all the images into Lightroom and added a cool light preset.

For the final, I'd definitely like to focus most of the design portion on the menu because it's quite messy on the original website and I'd like to condense it. I'm also going to need to find more images from the restaurant that match the food for the menu.


Concept 1
Artboard 1.png
Artboard 7.png
Artboard 2.png
Artboard 7 copy.png
Concept 2
Artboard 3.png
Artboard 7 copy 2.png
Artboard 4.png
Artboard 7 copy 3.png

Re: Preliminary Critique 03

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 3:13 pm
by Kassandra
Hi Allison,
WOW!! These look AMAZING!! I'm torn between both of your designs, cause they look so much better compared to the actual website right now. Also, great use of color psychology, I see that nice-looking orange color and tint you used :). The only thing I can think of improving right now is deleting the period at the end of the text of the homepage, give a little more space to the right after the contact us, and maybe choosing a modern or decorative font for the text on the homepage that has the year. Other than that, these are AMAZING!!

Re: Preliminary Critique 03

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:28 pm
by Instructor
Nice! You posted a link to the original. Wow! What an improvement. Now I want a hoagie to go with my cupcake. You people are giving me confused appetites.

The "Menu" call to action button on the home page is a strong choice here. Get people getting hoagies in their bellies as soon as possible! Your photos are well chosen. I can practically smell this website. I especially like the all photo home page .Since photos make or break restaurant websites, photo choice is critical. I like your choice of colors as well. The dark gray, white, and orange colorscheme does a good job of staying out of the way of your imagery which is providing most of the color and detail. This website, as all restaurant websites should be, is basically a photo gallery and you need colors that stay out of the way. The orange does provide a good attention grabbing color to help move people through the document or call their eye to something. Like a big fat call to action button that leads them to the menu. Great use of contrast throughout. Your margins and paddings are very good to great. Nothing feels crowded. Good selection on the type too. It works well with your layout. Your navigation is easy to see and use.

I don't know that I would use that tall a banner image on your inner pages. I think you could get away with having it be like half or a third as tall and still achieve the same effect. It's give you more room for more hoagies too.

Good work!

Re: Preliminary Critique 03

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:53 pm
by kmohara5190
Hi Allison,
I really like your websites a lot, and I think you should go with your first design. It looks very clean and concise, and the color scheme you chose looks great! Good job!

Re: Preliminary Critique 03

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 8:55 am
by Krueckl
You're designs look much better than the original website! I like both versions of the layouts honestly so, I think either one you pick will work well. I like your use of colors as well. It looks clean and well organized. I think the photos you chose for all of the layouts are fantastic and really give the viewer a good feel for the restaurant. Nice job.

Re: Preliminary Critique 03

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 2:57 pm
by it's_crysta
Hi Allison, you ended up finding some really good pictures for the website, i'm glad that you were able to find some of the actual place on Yelp. Both of your home pages look very nice and the orange is a good color against the dark tint over the pictures. Looks great!

Re: Preliminary Critique 03

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 3:26 pm
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Allison,
Oh my gosh, I'm so glad someone is redoing this site. After looking at the original/current site, this is a big improvement. I love the redesigned logo and you chose a much more legible font that still has that fun factor that it seems they were trying to go for. I think overall I like your first design, but I would switch the first header for the second. The colored 'home' is working better than having it highlighted with a big yellow-orange background. Things are more subtle with the smaller text but still large enough and with enough contrast that they are still seen. For your inner page that has the food menu items, from computer to mobile, it seems that not only do the corners on the images become rounded but your drop shadow becomes more visible on some images and not others, make sure those stay consistent.

Re: Preliminary Critique 03

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 1:17 pm
by Hamistani
Hello Allison,
This website definitely needs an upgrade... I just my sister and her exact words were ewww.
I love your designs! The color choices are great, I love the logo and font choices. It's so clean and organized. I actually like parts of both designs. I like the the home page of the second design, but I like the menu choice of the first design. I can't think of anything to change, great job!:D

Re: Preliminary Critique 03

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 7:10 pm
by comicsansfanclub
Hi Allison,

I just looked at the original and oh god it's so funny. I think you made the website 100% better and both of your layouts look really fantastic. The redesign of the logo was a nice touch and I like how its straightforward and simple. I'm leaning towards your second design the most simply because I really love that color scheme you chose. It makes everything looks so clean and professional. Great job :D

Re: Preliminary Critique 03

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 9:34 pm
by Mal-Festio
Hello Allison,

Both of these look amazing. Its simple, the imagery is great and the navigation looks easy to go through. I think I like the first one more because of the layout of the type in the desktop version and the the menu of the mobile.