Final Project #2

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Final Project #2

Post by sal_baraj »

Hi everyone,

Just when you think you have it down HTML and CSS comes and humbles you.

This project was a challenge to say the least but I am pleased with the outcome so far.

Here is my website ... r-barajas/

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Re: Final Project #2

Post by Instructor »

This came out pretty darn good, Sal.

You too have learned the dirty secret of web design; if you keep your layout simple and let your imagery, effects, and textures do the heavy lifting, you can make a really good looking website super easily. It's funny, I think your background image looks better here than in your Project One for some reason. Your content is well laid out and easy to read. I like how the central image mixes with your text. Your navigation is easy to see and use. And your webpage displays well across a number of browser resolutions due to the simplicity of it's layout.

I think that drop shadow you used on your class information would look good under at least your navigation and headlines. It provides a nice sense of distance from the background image.

Nice work.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Final Project #2

Post by estrellau »


I really like how the image stays in place when you scroll that was a nice touch very cool :D
I'm trying my best ┐(´∀`)┌ .......

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Re: Final Project #2

Post by kmohara5190 »

Hi Sal,
Great website, the green makes it really soothing and calm! You did a good job making your webpage look like your designs, great job!
Kierann O'Hara

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Re: Final Project #2

Post by jacklyn_yamine »

Hey Sal,
This came out really nice. I like that you put a drop shadow on the class info because it is over a busier part of the background image and that shadow helps it stand apart from the image so that is can still be read. The only thing I would play with is the justification of the type in the paragraph about yourself. I would see what it looks like justified left because reading things right aligned is weird to me and probably most people. Plus I think it would give you a nice sense of three columns with your email, background image of your name and the hand, and then the paragraph about yourself. Also, you seem to have more space on the right side than the left, I would try to either get the paragraph closer to the edge or bring the TMCC logo, class info, and your email more towards the center of the page.

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Re: Final Project #2

Post by Krueckl »

Hey Sal,
Nice job with your site. I like the colors you used (green, black, white). The change of color of your links when you hover over them has a great contrast from white to black. The center image of the hand is also really eye catching. Looks good!

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Re: Final Project #2

Post by gavin_clouser »

I dont think you did bad at all. The layout needs work but so does mine because of the CSS. It's really hard to figure out positioning things on the page. I had a lot of challenges with that and something I really want to get better at.

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Re: Final Project #2

Post by it's_crysta »

I definitely feel you when you say it's a challenge, but I think you did a really great job on your site. It's easy to use and it looks good too. Great work!
it's Crysta (Clark)

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Re: Final Project #2

Post by Kassandra »

Hi Sal,
This looks pretty good! It actually turned out very nice and it looks exactly like what you shared for project 1. The only thing I can think of that you need to work on is spacing out your name from the class information and TMCC logo. Great job!
Kassandra Fuentes

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Re: Final Project #2

Post by kendall_the_mann »

Hi Sal!

Oh for sure I get what you're saying about HTML and CSS lol! It's that same feeling of mastering checkers and then trying to learn chess, very very humbling haha, but with what we've learned so far, you've applied it to your website so well! I love how close you got to your project 1 design, and your layout was translated really well! Awesome website :D
-Kendall Mann
